She opened one eye. “I guess. Still, bringing me to your mother’s house? Yes, we knew each other but this is still awkward. And what was with that kiss? Now she thinks we’re dating or something.”

He shrugged, a typical nonchalant look of a guy who just didn’t get why his woman was pissed off. “I needed to see her and we needed to eat. She doesn’t think anything else.”

“Really?” Miranda snorted. “You know nothing, Lucas Wainright. Your mother sees a match. She wants grandchildren. Even if she didn’t before, now she does. Just wait.”

Trudy chose that moment to tap on the sliding glass window, a tray of drinks in her hand. Lucas pushed off the railing and opened the door, taking the tray from her and putting it on the table.

“Thank you, dear. That was heavier than I thought. I made my special lemonade. My bridge club loves it.” She laughed. “Yes, I play bridge. You can’t get more ‘old lady’ than that!”

“Only if you crochet or knit,” Lucas replied.

Trudy lightly tapped him on the arm. “Shoot, you spoiled my surprise. Well, act surprised later.”

Miranda stifled a laugh at Lucas’s horrified expression. Trudy handed them each a glass of lemonade and sat in another one of the chairs. Lucas took a healthy swallow then choked and spit out some of the liquid. Miranda eyed her glass a little more carefully, deciding to sip instead of downing it.

“Mom, what the hell?”

“So I added a little vodka. I thought you young people would like it. It’s that expensive kind, the bird kind. Goose something. The girls like it.”

“Maybe you and the girls should go to AA meetings instead of playing bridge.” Lucas grumbled under his breath, earning him a sharp look from Trudy.

Miranda took another sip of her drink. “Well, I think it’s exactly what I needed today, Trudy. Perfect drink– refreshing and light. Thank you.”

“At least one of you has remembered the manners you were raised with.” Trudy sniffed, still glaring at Lucas out of the corner of her eye. “So, Miranda, how is the team looking this year? I confess, being in Florida, I haven’t kept up with baseball except the occasional news from spring training. Is my son treating you right and doing right by the Knights?”

Miranda crossed one leg over the other and held her knee with her hands. “Well, we had a bit of a rocky start, but I think we’re settling in nicely.”

“You tell me if he gets out of line, Miranda. I raised him better than that. Now, shall we get dinner on? Since Lucas is here, I thought he could grill some steaks and you and I can do some of the side dishes in the kitchen.”

Miranda leapt to her feet. “I’d be happy to, Trudy.” Trudy linked her arm with Miranda and escorted her into the kitchen, Lucas trailing behind.


Miranda watched Lucasman the grill through the kitchen window. Trudy had the meal well in hand, but she had Miranda peel some cucumbers for the salad, more as a way to keep her in the kitchen. Like most mothers, Trudy could give lessons to the CIA with her interrogation techniques. After deflecting the relationship question for the third time, Miranda was longing for the outside and quiet. As if sensing her mood, Trudy jutted her chin to the sliding glass doors.

“You’ve had a long day, dear. Take your drink and sit on the deck. You look like you could use a rest.”

Miranda gratefully nodded, the stress of the day, the travel, the meetings, the scrutiny, all catching up with her. She took her drink and a few dishes for dinner and headed outside. Lucas slid open the door for her. She put everything on the table and went back to the chaise lounge. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the heat from the setting sun seeping into her skin.

Wouldn’t her father have been surprised to see her today, acting as anything but a figurehead? She was taking control of the team, being the leader, the president she had always wanted to be. Would her father be proud, even though she was changing things, doing things differently than he wanted? Or would he shut her down like usual, anything to maintain the control he clung to so desperately. That was what made this whole heart attack incident scary for him, and everyone else. He believed he was invincible and had everyone around him believing that, too.

Well, he was wrong and things had to change pretty radically if he wanted to remain at the table. After today, Miranda had the confidence she’d need to direct these guys to listen to her. Too bad it took her father having a heart attack and being out of the way for her to reinforce the reality on them. Now, it was up to her to find a way to retain the control, even as everyone counted the days until her father was back at the helm.

The sound of waves roaring into the beach soothed her ragged thoughts and emotions. Slowly, her breathing evened out and she drifted off to sleep.