But things had changed now. It was three months on and I’d found strength in fury, so why shouldn’t I give him a taste of his own medicine? Say all the things I’d dreamt of saying to him that night? Perhaps even demand to know why he’d been so distant with me for so long.

None of that would matter at all to him, but it would certainly make me feel better.

Ignoring the clutch of anxiety, I nodded and let myself be led down another corridor and into a small room. As a child, I’d gone to stay at the Silvera mansion every school holiday, and in that time I’d find myself some out-of-the-way place to sit and read peacefully. Away from my mother constantly picking at me.

Usually it was Con’s office, but sometimes I’d come in here. It wasn’t the most appealing room, though I appreciated the shelves lined with books. However, the couch that sat in front of the fireplace and the two armchairs that flanked it were hard and uncomfortable. The floor was tiled too, and there were no rugs on the floor, no soft surfaces anywhere.

This was a room you showed your enemies into when they came to visit, not your friends.

I’d only taken a couple of steps into the room when the security man shut the door behind me. And I heard the lock click.

Then all the lights went out.

For a second all I could do was stand there, frozen in shock. From outside I could hear shouts, and a few screams, and fear caught at me. I had no idea what was going on, and now I was...locked in.

My heartbeat thumped as I turned and tried the door handle, just as someone on the other side turned it.

And pushed the door open.

I stumbled back, gasping, then the lights flickered on again, illuminating the man standing in the doorway, filling it completely with his height and breadth.


His cold black eyes found mine instantly, the way they had downstairs, and some expression I didn’t understand shifted in them. Then he stepped through the doorway and shut the door behind him, trapping me in the room with him.

My heart thumped harder, all my earlier bravado leaking away as if it had never been. My knees had gone weak and my stomach twisted. What a pathetic mess I was. Nothing like his cool, poised fiancée.

No wonder he didn’t want you. You should have listened to your mother.

I shoved that thought away and tried to swallow, tried to find my voice, but my throat was so dry I couldn’t speak. While Constantine stood in front of the closed door, staring at me, studying me like a scientist examining a flaw in an otherwise perfect experiment.

‘Wh-what happened?’ I managed to force out. ‘Why did the lights go out?’

‘Nothing you need concern yourself with.’ His voice was icy and deep, the lilting Spanish accent I’d always loved colouring the words. He took a step towards me. ‘I’m glad you’re here.’

He was? He didn’t look glad. He looked cold and forbidding, all trace of the man I’d come to know and love gone.

I desperately wanted to say all the words I’d been fantasising about saying for the past three months, to tear him to pieces with my anger. But all the words had vanished from my head and all I wanted to do was cry.

Because even now I missed him. Even though he’d broken my heart, I missed him so much.

Pull yourself together, idiot. And don’t you dare cry.

I shouldn’t, because to do so would give away my anguish, and I wasn’t going to do that in front of him. That had been my mistake the last time and I wasn’t going to lower my guard again.

But there was a reason why my emotions were all over the place, wasn’t there? A very good reason.

‘Why are you glad?’ I forced out between numb lips.

His black winged brows drew down very slightly. ‘So you haven’t come here to tell me?’

Cold swept through me, twisting my gut and making me feel even more ill. I put a hand on the back of the uncomfortable couch, steadying myself. Because he couldn’t know. He couldn’t. I’d told no one. It was my perfect little secret and that was how I’d wanted it to stay.

‘Tell you?’ I tried to sound as innocent as possible, to let my expression show nothing but polite enquiry. ‘Tell you what?’

His inky brows twitched as he looked down on me from his great height, his beautiful face as expressive as a mountainside. ‘That you’re pregnant, of course.’

Did you really think you could keep it a secret? From him?