‘You just did, and I really can’t.’ Dodi gestured to the packed room and shook her head. ‘It’s crazy busy, Jago, as you can see. I’m not going anywhere, not for a while yet.’

Now that he was here, he desperately wanted to spend some time with her. He glanced at his watch. ‘How long until the madness dies down?’

‘An hour, maybe two?’ Dodi replied before shaking her head. ‘But I can’t leave the premises today. I have so much to do.’

‘It’s Friday, Elodie Kate, and work will still be there on Monday.’

Dodi reached up to lay the back of her hand against his brow, his cheek. ‘Are you feeling okay? Who are you and what have you done with Jago Le Roux, the workaholic?’


‘I thought it was,’ Dodi told him, a small smile touching her sexy mouth.

‘That dress looks like a bowl of cat sick,’ a female voice stated.

Dodi widened her eyes at Jago before turning to look around at the group closest to them. Three women stood in front of a cross-looking blonde woman, sitting back in the chair as if she were a young queen, disdain on her face. It was obvious to Jago that she held the power in the group and had every intention of wielding it.

Jago fought the urge to bolt for the door. He didn’t belong here. Weddings, love, frippery and fancies weren’t his thing. But he still wanted to take Dodi to lunch, get some food in her. She was looking too thin and a little washed out.

Was she taking vitamins? Getting enough sleep? Looking after herself? He needed to know...

But only because she was having his baby.

Lying to yourself now, Le Roux? That was a new low.

‘I hate my job,’ Dodi whispered, seemingly to herself.

Jago looked down at her and saw the truth of that statement reflected in her face. She looked as if she’d rather be anywhere but here...

But why? Surely not because some drama queen was being nasty to one of her bridal party? This should be a happy place to work, with people wanting to be pleased, enjoying the experience, content to spend money on their fairy-tale dress. But Dodi wasn’t as enamoured with running the shop as everyone thought. Interesting.

Then again, everything was interesting about this woman. And that was...interesting in a terrifying kind of way.

Dodi left his side, bent over the shoulder of the bridezilla and murmured in her ear. The woman shot up, spun around and slowly stood up, her eyes wide. She followed Dodi over to a quiet corner and, with Dodi’s back to him, he watched her face pale, flush and pale again. Then her shoulders slumped, and she stared at her feet, her expression now miserable.

Right, there was no doubt that Dodi had just informed her that bitchiness was not permitted in her salon. Good for her.

Dodi and the bride-to-be walked back towards him and the group. ‘Ladies, Dana would like to take you all to lunch and then, after you’ve had something to eat, we’ll resume the appointment. Is that okay with you?’

The three women looked at the prospective bride. Her bottom lip wobbled, and a tear slid down her face. ‘I’m sorry but I miss my mum and I just want her here!’

The bride opened her arms and the group huddled together, laughing and crying. Dodi rolled her eyes at Jago and, taking his hand, pulled him back to the entrance of her salon. ‘Drama, drama, more drama. It never stops!’

‘You certainly talked the Bridezilla around.’

‘She’s young, scared, missing her mum and desperately hoping that a lovely wedding will make her feel happy again. That her boyfriend will provide the happiness she so desperately craves,’ Dodi replied, with a bite in her voice.

‘Wow, cynical.’

‘No, truthful. Other people—friends, lovers, husbands—can’t make you happy. A person has to make their own happiness.’

Jago looked around the room before connecting with her smoke-blue gaze again. ‘And this doesn’t make you happy?’

She stared at him, moved from foot to foot and dropped her gaze, as if she was trying to find a way to avoid his question. Her shoulders lifted to her ears and stayed there. ‘No, it doesn’t, not particularly.’

Dodi reached around him and opened her front door. ‘Thanks for stopping by and the offer of lunch. But as you can see, I have fires to put out.’

He smiled at her. ‘Don’t make any more brides cry.’