Beah nodded and Finn covered her hand with his. “You always had it, darling. I was just too stupid to realize it.”

Beah blinked away tears. “I have a couple of stipulations, Murphy, some ironclad rules.”

Here it came, Finn thought, the demand for him to stop indulging in dangerous sports. And of course, he’d agree to stop. Anything Beah wanted he’d give. She was his biggest priority. And always would be.

“I want to get married again, in a church this time, with bridesmaids and a priest, flowers and a kick-ass dress.”

Easy enough to agree to since he wanted that, too. He nodded, holding her beautiful face between his hands. “What else?”

“We need to talk more, Finn. We need to connect, every day and in every way.”

“I can work on that. I will work on that. I promise to do better, Beah. What else?”

Instead of making more demands, she smiled at him, a sweet, tender smile full of love and happiness. “I love you, Finn. I hope you know how much.”

Finn brushed his lips across hers before resting his forehead against hers. “And I love you, Beah. Sorry I was an idiot.”

Beah’s chuckle was as sexy as hell. “You’re forgiven, but if you nearly die again, I will kill you myself.”

Finn pulled back, a small frown between his eyebrows. If she wasn’t going to ask, he’d offer. “I’ll stop the adventure sports if you want me to, Bee. If it gives you peace of mind, I won’t chase those thrills anymore. You are my biggest thrill, anyway.”

Beah shook her head, her eyes tender and the color of warm honey. “I’m not going to ask you to stop, Finn. I don’t want to take away something you love. I can handle your passion for danger. I’m just asking you to take extra care because my heart nearly stopped when yours did. Love what you do, Finn, but love me enough to always come back.”

Finn, feeling like he’d won every jackpot in the world, folded her into his arms and rested his lips in her hair, tears burning his eyes. Loving her was going to be the biggest joy and the biggest privilege of his life.

“Will you marry me again, Beah Jenkinson-Murphy?” he softly asked, his voice rough with emotion.

“Absolutely,” Beah said, her eyes radiating the happiness he felt. She grinned. “But not today. Today we need to marry off our favorite bossy blonde so she can drive Dare mad for the next fifty years.”

Finn kissed her again before pulling back, knowing if he started, he wouldn’t be able to let her go. “Dare is looking forward to the challenge.”

Beah stood on her tiptoes, kissed him and then wiped her lipstick off his bottom lip with her thumb. “As much as I want to stay with you, Keely needs me.”

“I know she does, and it’s fine. See you downstairs?”

Beah nodded, squeezed the hand she was holding and reluctantly stepped back. Finn watched her walk away, his heart full to overflowing. His wife was his again, and his heart was full.

In her, he had everything he’d ever need.