It was about damn time.

Her gorgeous scent enveloped him first and then her arms came around his waist as she laid her cheek on his shoulder blade. Finn’s heart settled and sighed and he couldn’t help reaching around to grip her lower thigh with his free hand.

“Hey, sorry I’m late.”

He wasn’t going to ask; he really wasn’t.

“How was dinner with Marsh?”

He felt, sensed, Beah’s wide smile. “Lovely. His partner Alex joined us. He’s a clothing designer in LA and he’s been pushing Marsh to start collecting. He was supposed to join us at Murphy’s but he had to meet a fabric supplier across town and his meeting ran late.”

Marsh Ford was gay. Finn didn’t know whether to feel relieved or foolish. He could do both at the same time. Finn turned around and gathered Beah to him, smiling when she reached up to drop a kiss on his jawline.

“Sorry I didn’t let you know, but my phone battery ran out of juice. I forgot to charge it when I got to the office.”

He wanted to tell her it was okay but he was still a little pissed that he’d made a meal, waited for her, wondered where she was.

Beah tipped her head to the side, her eyes on his. “You okay?”

“Sure, why?”

“Just checking.” Beah sniffed. “Did you make Thai prawn curry for supper?”


“Did you save me any? If you didn’t, I’ll be pissed. You know how much I love your Thai prawn curry.”

Yeah, he did. That was why he’d made it. But she didn’t need to know how much effort he’d gone to. He felt enough of an idiot as it was. Finn hoped she didn’t notice, or comment on, the wet, superexpensive bottle of French champagne still dripping condensation all over his kitchen counter and the candles on the dining table.

Well, there was one tried and tested way to distract her. Finn cupped her face in his hands and bent his lips to cover hers. He’d meant his kiss to stay gentle, at least initially, but Beah immediately burrowed in close, her lips parted, and the world ignited.

Then Beah’s tongue stroked his and Finn’s world rocked, then settled. Holding Beah felt normal. But better than normal, it felt right. She was the only one who’d ever made him feel both excited and comfortable at the same time, like he was leaving earth in a spaceship while wearing his favorite pair of jeans. There had been other women between then and now—he was divorced, not dead—but nobody had ever held him like she did, touched him like she did.

Nobody tasted as she did.

Nobody, he suspected, ever would. She sipped, then sucked and then, to mix it up, swirled her tongue around his. Finn’s stomach dived as he took control of the kiss, gently biting her bottom lip, before soothing the sting with a touch of his tongue. And he couldn’t help his hands moving over her body...

It was what they were made to do. Beah had beautiful bumps in her spine, a surprisingly full bottom, and he bent his knees slightly to trace the back of her thighs, up and over her butt cheeks, smiling when he felt the cord of her thong. His woman wore sexy underwear and he loved it. Finn moved his hand between them and he skimmed her mound, happily swallowing her moans of encouragement. They’d barely started but he could feel her heat, her happiness at being in his arms.

Did this feel right to her, too?

Beah pushed his hand away and flipped open the catch of her pants, pushing the zipper down. The pants hung on the curve of her hips and he took the invitation and slid his fingers over the lacy material, finding the edges of her tiny triangle. Beah wiggled against his hand as he slid his finger under the seam, slipping through her heat and wetness to Beah’s tiny bundle of nerves.

Beah sank against him, her knees dissolving, and Finn tightened his arm around her back, pulling her to him as her legs widened, allowing him deeper access. He pushed into her. One finger, then two, and his thumb was brushing her clitoris.

“Beah, you are so very sexy,” Finn muttered against her mouth, staring into her foggy-with-lust eyes.

“We should stop.” But her words were accompanied by a push against his fingers, encouraging him to go deeper, so Finn decided to listen to her actions, not her words.

They didn’t need to stop. All the lights in his house were off, they stood in the shadows and the yachties were inside, warm and toasty.

They were doing this. Here. And now.

Nothing was more important...

“Take this moment, Beah, and lose yourself. Lose control.”

Beah dragged her eyes up to meet his. “I don’t know if I can.”