Okay, then. Beah’s eyes danced between the pictures in the magazine. The daisies were fun but roses and jasmine were romantic. Those were the flowers she would choose if this was her wedding. “Okay, jasmine and roses. Next, the cake.”

Finn grinned. “We decided on raspberry and white chocolate. Three tiers because my brothers will be there and they’ll demolish a tier each on their own.”

“And you’ll eat the other tier.” Beah joked, making a note in her diary.

“Have you managed to look at the menus the caterers sent over?” Beah asked, looking at the next item on the list.

Finn winced. “Yes, I did. Sadly, they don’t have time to prepare a tasting menu.”

The man was always thinking about his stomach. Or sex. “Due to the short time frame, we are going to have to trust them to deliver. What menu did you choose?”

“The one featuring roasted duck. I’d just be happier if we had the opportunity to do a taste test.”

“They are one of the best companies in Boston. Their food will be exemplary,” Beah told him, making a mental note to cross “food” off her wedding list. “You’re just thinking with your stomach again.”

“When you bend over the desk and show me the edges of your very pretty pink bra, that’s not all I’m thinking with...”

Beah slapped her hand against her top and her eyes slammed into his. Lust, want, need... Man, she had to cut this meeting short and take care of this raging fire burning between them.

If she didn’t, they might set Boston on fire.

“Jeez, Finn, stop looking at me like that.”

“Not possible,” Finn growled.

Beah heard the ding of an incoming text message and saw that it was from Eli, telling her that he was on the way with her client. Beah held up her phone to show Finn the message and he pulled a face and stepped behind the back of her chair again. Right, he needed another minute. She could do with a couple herself to get her composure back, too.

The thought both thrilled and scared her. She had to get whatever was burning between them under control. Because if she didn’t, it was going to incinerate her.

But she could work on her lack-of-control issues later; right now she had a job to do, a client to talk to. Business to conduct. And she had a decision to make. Beah glanced down at her phone, thinking about the email she’d received from Michael Summers en route from São Paulo to Boston. He needed a definite answer and he needed it soon. She was pretty much out of thinking time.

It was all a bit too much. Between the upcoming sale, her demanding clients, Michael, traveling and organizing the wedding, her plate was overloaded. And then there was Finn...

Built, gorgeous and sexy. And, despite his flirty banter, still as emotionally remote as he’d ever been. Right now, she felt 3 percent human and 97 percent stress.

Stressed or not, she had a job to do. Beah hauled in a deep breath, touched her hair to make sure her curls were under control and smoothed her hands over her hips. Pushing back her shoulders, she walked over to the closed door, pulled on a smile and opened the door.

She greeted Eli, Ronan’s PA, before holding her hand out to Marshall Ford, her newest client. He was six foot something, built like a linebacker and not like anything she’d imagined he’d look like. Weren’t computer nerds supposed to look nerdy?

Marshall Ford was, well...wow.

If she didn’t have a sexy ex-husband in her bed, she might be tempted to flirt. Or more...

“Beah, this is Mr. Ford,” Eli said. “I can organize coffee and pastries if you’d like?”

Beah shook Marshall’s hand and lifted her eyebrows. “Coffee and pastries, Mr. Ford?”

“Please call me Marsh and yes, both would be good,” Marshall replied in a deep, clear voice. “I’m starving.”

“For me, too, Eli, thanks.”

Beah heard Finn’s voice behind her and wrinkled her nose. Was Finn planning on sticking around? Why? Beah narrowed her eyes at him as he approached them. Finn ignored her, holding out his hand for Marsh to shake. “Finn Murphy, director.”

Beah wanted to roll her eyes but didn’t. Finn normally introduced himself as their head of art, emphasizing his position rather than emphasizing his, well, Murphy-ness.

Could her ex be feeling a little threatened, a bit jealous? The thought amused her since she hadn’t thought him capable of that particular emotion.

But, jealous or not, she would not let him hijack her meeting. This was her turf and he was not welcome. Beah turned back to Eli. “Finn will have his coffee in his office, Eli, since he was on his way out.”