Feeling a little irritated with herself, Beah barged into Finn’s basement office, allowing the door to slap closed behind her.

He stood by the bookshelves filling the back wall, black-rimmed glasses over his green eyes, holding a thick open book in his big hands.

Sexy nerd. Brains and muscles were a killer combination.

Annoyed with where her thoughts went, Beah reined them in and slapped her hands on her hips. “Have you contacted the florist? Confirmed the time for the ceremony at the chapel? Told the caterer how many people to expect?”

Finn closed the book, replaced it and slowly, oh so slowly, walked past his desk, past his beat-up leather couch to where she was standing. As he walked, Beah appreciated his long-legged stride, the way his black Henley skimmed over his chest and dipped into the curves of his muscled arms, fell over his flat stomach. His long legs, covered in faded denim, ate up the space between them, his flat leather boots not making any sound on the expensive hardwood floor.

Okay, to amend her previous statement: she might not need him, but she wanted him.

Instead of speaking, Finn placed his palms on either side of her face, tipped her head and took her mouth in a hot, hard kiss. Beah considered, just for a moment, objecting. Instead she let his tongue push past her lips, touch her tongue, and then she fell into his kiss.

Holding his wrists, she arched her back, pushing her breasts into his chest, sliding her tongue over his, welcoming his taste and touch and smell. His hand moved down her cheek, her neck, and settled on her breast, his thumb sliding over her nipple, supersensitive beneath the expensive lace of her bra.

Beah wanted her clothes off, she wanted them to be naked, and she wanted it now. Taking a step backward, pulling Finn with her, she reached behind her and fumbled for the lock on his door, eventually turning it so they couldn’t be interrupted.

Finn pulled his mouth off hers, his green eyes glittering in the low light of his freestanding lamps. “Here? Now?”


Beah wound her arms around his neck, placed her mouth against his, eager to get back into the kiss. She nibbled his bottom lip and took a minute to realize Finn’s fingers were digging into her hips but he wasn’t responding to her kiss.

Feeling like she’d jumped into an icy pond, she pulled back and allowed her hands to drop to her sides. “Problem?” she asked, trying to act casual.

Finn’s eyes didn’t leave hers. “Ronan scheduled a meeting in—” Finn glanced at his expensive high-tech watch “—ten minutes.”

Right, that was why she was here at Murphy International. To meet with the Murphy owners and her bosses.


Beah dropped her head, feeling heat seep up her neck and over her cheeks. One look at Finn and she’d lost all sense of propriety, all sense of place. And time.

“I like the fact that I can knock you off your game,” Finn said.

Beah really wanted to smack the smirk off his face. She looked at the door, considered the size of his head and squinted at the door. “Are you certain your monstrous ego can fit through the door?”

Finn grinned. “I manage.” He sat down on the corner of his desk and stretched out his long legs, crossing his feet at the ankles. “Do you always walk into offices and start kissing the hell out of your colleagues?”

“Do you always start your conversations with your colleagues with a French kiss?” Beah volleyed back.


Beah needed to get this conversation—and her thoughts and her damned priorities—back on track. Damn Finn for having this effect on her, for being able to shut down her brain and send her spinning.

“I came down here to talk to you about the wedding...”

“Thank you for helping me out, by the way.”

“I’m doing this for Piper and Ben, but mostly for Piper. Every woman deserves a fairy-tale wedding.”

Finn nodded. “Fair enough.” He picked up a baseball from his desk and tossed it from hand to hand. “So you stormed down here, a few hours after you landed at Logan, to talk to me about the wedding. Are you that much of a control freak, Beah?”

“I am not a—” But yeah, she was. Keeping control was how she now managed her life; everything was put into boxes and corralled and contained. It would be much easier if she took over all the arrangements for the wedding; then she knew everything would be done to her exacting standards.

Having Finn involved made her feel like a three-year-old was rummaging in her just-tidied box of toys and tossing stuff over his shoulder. Beah shuddered.

Beah jammed her hands into the pockets of her slim-cut, straight-legged trousers. She would not lose her temper but really, did he not realize the wedding was in four weeks? That Piper and Ben would be here in three and everything had to be in place by then? Piper did not need any additional stress; she just needed to enjoy every aspect of her big day. It had to be perfect...