Keely growled her frustration and pulled her hand out of his shorts to attack the clip holding his suit pants together. When the flaps to his pants opened, she delved back in, both her hands enveloping him.

She was killing him.

Keely swiped her thumb across his tip and sweat broke out on his forehead. “I checked the offices as I walked down the hall. You’re the last one here.”

That was not unusual. He was frequently the last person to leave.

“And that means we can have hot office sex, preferably on your desk, with no one to disturb us.” Keely’s smile turned wicked again. “I like the thought of you working here and remembering what you did to me as you are talking to a client.”

And if that happened, his efficiency and IQ would drop fifteen points.

Keely stepped back and Dare nearly cried when her hands left him. She shrugged off her coat and then, smiling, started to slowly unbutton her blouse. Dare watched as one button, then two popped open on her black silk shirt to reveal the edges of an emerald green bra. Sexy, lacy and transparent.

God, she wasn’t playing fair. Then again, he’d never expected her to.

But if he didn’t stop this, right now, he was toast. And Keely would’ve won their battle of wills.

Keely picked up his hand and placed it on her breast, and Dare couldn’t help testing her weight, rubbing his thumb across her very responsive nipple. Man, she had the best breasts, full and high and exquisitely tender. He knew he could make her come just by touching her breasts...

Get with the program, Seymour, and shut this down. Now, while you can.

Dare pulled his hand back, pushed it through his hair before standing up and jamming both hands into the pockets of his pants. When her action pushed his pants down his hips, he cursed and quickly pulled up the zipper, wincing as the material closed over his straining erection.

Wow, uncomfortable.

Keely frowned. “And now?”

Be strong, Seymour. You’re a grown man; you can refuse sex.

“And now you take me to dinner, we have wine, and we chat. After that, and depending on how the evening goes, we might, or might not, have sex.”

It took a minute, maybe more, for his words to sink in. And had Dare not been fighting his body’s urge to strip her and do her on the wall, floor or table, he might’ve laughed. He’d never seen Keely discombobulated, utterly lost for words, and he was sly enough to enjoy what he knew would be a rare occurrence.

“I... You...”

And Keely never spluttered. This was only getting better. Dare moved farther away from her—being a man not a machine—and risked sending her a small smile. “It’s not like you to mumble, Killer. Normally you have better language skills.”

He saw a tide of fury, red and bright, skim up her throat, into her cheeks. “Are you seriously still playing hard to get?” she demanded, slapping her hands on her gently rounded, gorgeously feminine hips.

You could be holding those hips, sliding into her...

I’m delaying gratification.

But what if you don’t win this one in the end?

“I’m not playing at anything, Keely. I’m holding you to the agreement we made. If you want sex, you’re going to have to date me.”

“I don’t want to date you! Or anybody else,” Keely shouted, her eyes wild and furious.

Dare tipped his head to one side. “Why not?”

“Because it never works out!” Keely retorted. She pushed her hands into her hair, holding the heap of blond hair back. “Why can’t we keep this simple? What is wrong with you?”

Dare lifted one shoulder, his eyes steady on her face. Keely was afraid...of what? He searched her eyes and saw the fear, the healthy dose of vulnerability.

“What are you scared of, Keels? Getting involved? Commitment? Being loved?”

Keely released a low growl. “This conversation is pointless. You don’t want a relationship with me, Dare, not really.”