“I like Carrick...” Jeez, she could practically feel her nose growing longer with that lie. “I genuinely think he’s a nice guy. We are friends. That’s all that’s between us.”

Yep, her nose was definitely an inch longer.

But it wasn’t a complete lie; they were friends. She was in love with him, he wasn’t in love with her and friends-sharing-sex was probably all they’d ever be.

Sadie sent Tamlyn a hard look. “And I genuinely believe you’ve badly maligned him, possibly because he had the balls to get out of a toxic marriage. But apart from being my client, he’s also my friend and I refuse to listen to anything else you have to say about him.”


Sadie held up her hand to stop Tamlyn from speaking. “No, I’m done listening to you. And if there’s a whiff of speculation in the press about us, about Carrick, I’m coming after you, Tamlyn.” Sadie turned her determined glance onto Beth. “And I do not want to hear another negative word from you about Carrick ever again, Beth. Are we clear?”

Beth nodded, her expression sulky.

She wasn’t getting off that easy. “I need to hear you say the words, Elizabeth.”

Yeah, she was using full names to get her point across.

“Yes, okay...jeez!”

Sadie wanted to call her out on her tone and her massive eye roll, but this wasn’t the place and she was out of time. Standing up, she picked up her tote bag and put it over her shoulder.

Feeling exhausted, Sadie rested her hand on the handle of her overnight case and tapped the stack of books she left on the table.

“Beth, I’ve sent you a couple of emails. Please deal with those. And please contact the property management company in Paris and tell them that I am not renewing my lease on the apartment in Montparnasse.”

She saw the questions and concern on Beth’s face and shook her head. It would be a while, if ever, before she felt comfortable sharing her thoughts and feelings with Beth again. “And please return these books to Finn Murphy when you next head that way. If he’s not available you can leave them with his PA, Cole.”

Beth nodded. “Okay.”

Ignoring Tamlyn, Sadie told Beth she’d be in touch and walked away, pulling her suitcase behind her. Tamlyn was out of her life, and Sadie’s relationship with Beth was forever changed.

All because Sadie chose to believe her intuition about Carrick.

Man, she hoped she’d made the right call.

Joa followed Keely into the Irish pub and, over her shoulder, saw Tanna waving at them across the room. Joa smiled at her enthusiasm and then noticed the Brogan twins sitting on the bar stools on either side of her. Their oldest friend Darby stood next to Jules and they all watched Joa and Keely’s progress across the room.

The whole gang was here.


Joa pulled a smile onto her face and tried to look enthusiastic. Girls’ nights out weren’t her thing, but Keely, as bossy as hell, had nagged her into joining this one, telling Joa that she needed an uncomplicated evening with uncomplicated people.

The Brogan twins and Keely were Boston royalty and Darby was the daughter of a well-known judge. They were smart, sophisticated and successful...

Joa was...not.

She fought the urge to bolt and when Keely’s hand encircled her wrist, she knew her friend was holding her in place. “You are not that fourteen-year-old runaway anymore, Joa Jones,” Keely hissed.

Joa tossed her a sour look. “We have nothing in common, Keely.”

“Rubbish. They are nice people and when you forget about that chip on your shoulder, you are, too. Now, smile, dammit!”

Joa tried to tug her wrist from Keely’s iron-clad grip, but Keely was stronger than any restraint. Knowing that she was risking a scene, Joa followed Keely to her friends and hung back when they all exchanged what seemed to be genuine hugs.

Joa, not being the touchy-feely type, kept herself out of hugging distance.

Tanna smiled at her and asked what she wanted to drink. When they all placed their orders, Keely turned her attention back to Joa. “What’s the situation with you and Ronan? Are you going to help him out or not?”