He’d lowered her to the sofa and followed her down and she’d thought that she should object. Instead of pulling away, she’d simply curled into him; his warmth was temptation personified and his smell addictive.

And she’d dropped into sleep.

Last night she’d been too tired to pull away, to put some distance between them, but in the cold light of morning, she knew that being nose to nose, groin to groin, plastered against Carrick Murphy was not a smart idea. Before she did anything stupid—like kiss him—she needed to disentangle herself, preferably with grace and ease.

Or simply disentangle herself.

Carrick, as if sensing she was ready to bolt, pulled her closer. “You feel so amazing, so soft. And, God, your smell.”

Sadie tensed, wondering what he meant. Okay, time to get up and sort herself out. Sadie moved her hands to push against him, but his hand on her butt pushed her into his erection, and his hand on her back mashed her breasts against his chest. “Where are you going?” Carrick mumbled.

“Getting off you.” Surely her actions were self-explanatory?


Because if I don’t, I might just start ripping off your clothes.

And that would add gas to the already smoldering dumpster fire they were currently feeding.

“Not ready to get up and certainly not ready to face the day.”

Sadie pulled her head back to look at Carrick. His eyelashes brushed his skin, surprisingly long. His beard was thicker than she’d ever seen it and she wanted to run her fingers through his stubble while she kissed those sexy lips.

“We need to get to work, Murphy,” Sadie whispered, a small part of her—okay, all of her—hoping he would disagree with her and either urge her to go back to sleep or, even better, to get naked.

Bad Sadie.

“I just want to lie here and touch you, Sadie.” Carrick opened one eye and lifted his wrist to squint at his watch. “It’s barely even six, far too early to consider moving.”

“Then I should go, let you get some decent sleep.”

“What makes you think I didn’t sleep?” Carrick asked, his fingers drawing patterns on the skin of her butt.

She’d spent the night lying on top of him; he couldn’t have been comfortable.

“You weigh next to nothing and I love having you in my arms.” He lifted his hips and pushed his erection into her. “Can’t you tell?”

“I’d be impressed if it wasn’t something all men wake up with daily,” Sadie replied, telling herself not to shift her hips to maximize her pleasure. “And may I point out that’s what got us into trouble in the first place?”

Despite how amazing she felt, and how tempted she was, she couldn’t forget that there was only one reason why she was here. Through their growing baby, she was now tethered to this man for the next eighteen to forever years.

“Best night of my life,” Carrick murmured, dropping a kiss into her hair. Carrick shifted her so his shaft was aligned with her mound and Sadie released a low groan. She couldn’t help it; he felt so damn good. She pressed down, closed her eyes and allowed pleasure to slide through her.

Her desire was tinged with relief, with a lot of “thank God, that went better than I thought.” She’d expected fireworks last night, smashed glasses, a whole bunch of yelling, but Carrick’s response to becoming a father had been measured, even—dare she say it?—thoughtful.

She wasn’t about to completely reverse her opinion that he was a bad boy, but maybe he wasn’t quite as bad as she’d painted him to be. And while it didn’t mean anything, couldn’t mean anything, she felt so damn good lying in his arms.

Then she made the mistake of opening her eyes, lifting them to look at Carrick. Light green clashed with blue and they stared at each other for a moment and later, Sadie couldn’t remember who made the first move. Was it him, was it her? Either way, their mouths connected in a flurry of teeth and lips and tongue. He tasted like sex and sleep, a heady combination that melted her thought processes. All she knew for sure was that she wanted to get naked as soon as possible.

At least she couldn’t get pregnant this time. The thought hit her with all the power of a missile strike. She was pregnant. They hadn’t discussed the future, she was having a baby with this man and they had a million decisions to make.

Sex should be way down on their priority list.

She should be sensible, responsible. This was complete craziness.

“Carrick...” Sadie whispered his name against his lips, trying to ignore his hand kneading her butt.
