She did. Dammit.

Sadie gripped the bridge of her nose.

She desperately wanted to stamp her foot or kick his shins but only because he was right. They were good together. But good sex didn’t equate to his being a good man...

End this. Now.

Sadie nailed him with an I’m done look, knowing she had to shut down this conversation before she succumbed to temptation and asked him to take her on this sturdy boardroom table.

He wouldn’t say no...

Be sensible, Slade.

“Having a one-night stand is not something I indulge in and I’m not into short-term flings. Or, as I said, long-term relationships.”

Leaving her in no-sex land. Well, how sad, too bad.

Sadie squared her shoulders and forced the words past her lips. “Either we forget what happened the other night or I walk out and you find another art appraiser. I’m not going to have this discussion again.”

She had to protect herself; it was the only sensible course of action.

Carrick’s green eyes narrowed. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

No, but she’d never admit that. It took all she had to give him a quick, jerky nod. Carrick held her stare, his expression now inscrutable. “Fine. I won’t mention it again.”

Okay, then.

It—they—were over and she’d gotten what she’d asked for. So why then did she feel so disappointed? Why did she still want him to pull her to his hard body, lower his mouth to cover hers? Why did she still want him?

Because apparently, she was still, when it came to men, a complete idiot.

Sadie wrapped her arms around her body and watched him stride from the room, his big body radiating tension. She wanted to run after him and to stop herself, she gripped the desk and locked her knees.

They’d only shared one night of great sex and it was completely pointless to think they had the potential to be anything more to each other than a hot, sexy memory.

It’s done, Slade; it’s over.

After rolling her head to relieve some of the knots in her neck, Sadie pulled her bag onto her shoulder.

She had a job to do, and to do it effectively she’d have to evade and avoid the boss man. Good thing she’d had some practice at doing exactly that over the past week.