Page 6 of Hot Holiday Fling

Hunt heard the door to his office open and looked up as his long-time assistant approached his desk, staring down at his tablet. “So, Griselda is off the list of people for whom I must purchase a Christmas gift? Is that correct?”


Hunt noticed the curiosity in Duncan’s eyes, but didn’t explain that he’d broken off his two-year—Fling? Liaison? Affair?—with Griselda a few days earlier when she’d asked him to consider co-raising a child with her. His “hell no” had been rather emphatic and his ending of their fling/liaison/affair had been the vehement exclamation point on that subject.

Honestly, people exhausted him.

He’d thought he’d hit the jackpot with Griselda. Thanks to his bouncing between foster families and group homes as a kid, his short but drama-filled marriage, and his best friend and business partner’s death, he’d deliberately chosen a woman who made no demands, financial or emotional. And Gris never had. Until the other day when she’d asked him to father her child.

And all thoughts of his ex faded on meeting Adie last night...

Duncan pursed his lips. “Well, not buying Griselda an expensive piece of art or jewelry should save you a pretty penny.”

Hunt swallowed his smile and hoped his expression remained inscrutable. Even after so many years as his PA, Duncan still acted as if Hunt were on the knife-edge of slipping into debt. Since he had enough money for a hundred lifetimes, even if he chose never to work another day in his life, Duncan’s penny-pinching and cost-cutting attitude was a constant source of amusement.

Leaning back in his chair, Hunt looked up and noticed a deeper worry in Duncan’s eyes, something more intense than the cost of gifts. Duncan was almost as stoic and implacable as Hunt so seeing his stressed face was a surprise.

“Everything okay?” Hunt asked, sitting up and leaning forward.

Duncan gripped the back of the visitor’s chair and shook his head. “I just got an email... Uh, my first partner, the man I thought I was going to marry, is in the hospital after suffering from what they are calling a brain episode. For some reason, and although we haven’t been together for more than fifteen years, he designated me to make any medical decisions if he’s incapacitated. And, he’s incapacitated.”

Hunt heard the surprised confusion, and the intense fear, in Duncan’s voice. “I’m sorry.”

Duncan’s head bobbed up and down in a terse acknowledgment of Hunt’s sympathy. “I know it’s not a good time for me to take a leave of absence, there’s so much that needs doing concerning your foundation’s annual fundraiser.”

Honestly, Hunt had mostly forgotten about the yearly Christmas fundraiser. This year they were trying something new—an urban treasure hunt race. All the funds raised would go to support the Williams-Sheridan Foundation, named in honor of his and best friend, Steve’s friendship.

Duncan quietly and efficiently organized everything, and Hunt’s involvement was to show up at the cocktail party and hand out prizes to the winning teams.

Duncan also purchased Christmas gifts for Hunt’s biggest clients, his favorite suppliers, for the sports players who acted as his brand ambassadors. As his right-hand man, Duncan made Hunt’s life run smoothly. Duncan not only managed his office with aplomb, he also booked theater tickets, made reservations, dealt with Hunt’s housekeepers and interior designers and made suggestions for and booked Hunt’s infrequent holiday breaks.

And Duncan made Christmas bearable by shielding Hunt from the chaos of the season. But Duncan needed personal time and Hunt had to put his assistant’s needs first. He’d survive Christmas...


“Call Jeff and tell him to file a flight plan and leave as soon as you can.”

Gratitude at the casual offer to use his private jet flashed across Duncan’s face. “I can book a commercial flight, it will be so much cheaper...” Duncan protested.

And jam-packed and stressful while Hunt’s plane and pilot were just sitting there, doing nothing. “Use my plane, Duncan,” Hunt told him, using his don’t-argue-with-me voice.

Duncan nodded his thanks. “Concerning work, I’m pretty sure I’ll be just sitting around at the hospital so I can still be productive. I’ll have my laptop and phone with me.”

Hunt stood up and walked around the desk to briefly lay his hand on Duncan’s shoulder. “Work if you want to, Duncan, but not because you have to. Be with your friend.”

Because, God knew, Hunt would do anything for a couple more hours, days, with Steve.

Duncan looked down, sighed and then he straightened his spine and blinked back the sheen of moisture in his eyes. “Thank you, Hunter, I appreciate it.”

Duncan picked up a couple of folders, straightened them and placed them on the corner of Hunt’s desk. He picked up a couple of pens and dusted some used staples off Hunt’s desk into his hand. Hunter smiled at his assistant’s fussing.

“Kate and Adie Ashby-Tate will be with you in five minutes.”

Hunt was looking forward to seeing Steve’s twin Kate. It had been a while, although she had called earlier in the week to ask him to attend the Christmas market last night.

“I’ll finish up a few things here, but I’ll be in touch, as soon as I can, with a plan on how I’m going to manage my duties regarding your Christmas schedule, your functions and the treasure hunt race.”

God, Hunt hoped he would. He was lost without Duncan.