Page 24 of Hot Holiday Fling

Unable to delay gratification for a millisecond longer, Hunt lifted his thumb to the adorable dip in the middle of her bottom lip and pressed down gently. “Open up, sweetheart, I need to taste you.”

Adie’s gentle breath drifted over his thumb, hit his lips and Hunt covered her mouth with his, seeking her tongue. She tasted of chocolate and white wine, smelled of hyacinths and heaven. Hunt’s senses went into overdrive: his nose filled with her delicious scent, her mouth was a gourmet’s paradise, he heard every sigh she uttered. Her body, under his roving hands, was feminine and slim, with subtle curves begging him to explore more.

In that moment, Adie was everything he needed or could ever want.

Hunt’s hand curved around her bottom and she tilted her hips up to rub against the rod in his pants and Hunt felt a little lightheaded, probably because every drop of blood was heading south. After skimming his hand over her butt and down again, he bent his legs and easily lifted her off her feet.

Pushing her into the wall, Hunt groaned when his cock rested against her mound and watched as she tipped her head back to rest against the wall, exposing her elegant neck. “You are so very beautiful,” Hunt told her, dropping his lips onto the cord on the right side of her neck. He nibbled gently, not wanting to leave a mark on her, and allowed his lips to move up to that sensitive spot where her jaw met her ear before tugging her earlobe into his mouth.

“Damn, I’d really like to take you to bed.”

Adie tensed in his arms and Hunt winced, knowing his words had broken the spell. He never spoke without thinking but Adie had him tied up in knots.

Adie slid down the wall and when she stood on her feet again, Hunt took a small step back, but kept his hand on her waist. He couldn’t not touch her—after a soul-melting kiss, that was asking the impossible.

Adie pushed a trembling hand through her hair before placing her fingertips on her lips, closing her eyes.

“Dear God, Sheridan, you know how to kiss.”

Did he? Or had he just upped his game because he was kissing her? “Right back at you, sweetheart.”

Adie took a tiny step and placed her forehead on his chest, the top of her head fitting under his chin. She gripped handfuls of his shirt in both hands and Hunt waited for their breathing to even out. It could take minutes or days, he didn’t care, he was just happy to be standing here with her in his arms.

Of course, he’d be far happier if they were in a bed naked...

“We should get back, people will be wondering where you are.”

“Don’t wanna,” Hunt replied, dropping a kiss in her hair. He wouldn’t push her, this still had to be her decision.

He sensed Adie’s lips curling into a smile. “Now, be a big boy, Hunter.”

Hunt gripped her hips and pulled her into him, pushing her stomach against his still-impressive erection. “I am a big boy.”

Adie’s laugh was low and sexy and sparks ignited over every inch of his skin. Then, dammit, she placed her hands on his chest and created a foot of distance between them. But her hands, Hunt noticed, remained on his chest. She seemed to be having as hard a time letting him go as he was releasing her.

Good to know. They could be home in thirty minutes, naked in thirty-one... “Come home with me, Adie.”

Adie stared down at the toe of her black shoe peeking out from under her wide-legged pants. “It’s not a good idea, Hunter.”

Hunt felt irrationally angry and deeply disappointed. They weren’t feelings he was accustomed to. As a ballplayer, he’d never been short of offers and when he’d had his fill of stranger sex—it got old quicker than he thought it would—he hooked up with friends who knew the score: a good time, no commitment and no drama. Then he met Griselda. Over the last few months, their sexual encounters had been sporadic at best. And uninspiring. It was no more her fault than his, but the truth was that, at the end, the spark between them was already dying.

Unlike the roaring wildfire burning between him and Adie.

“Please don’t give me that tired excuse of us working together. Give me a decent reason because I know you want me and I sure as hell want you.” Hunt rubbed her cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. “What can I say to change your mind?”

Adie fiddled with the bow at her waist and Hunt, knowing that a small tug would be the starting point to undressing her, wished she wouldn’t. “Honestly, I’m sure there are a dozen things you could say that would change my mind—”

Now, this was interesting. “Like what?”

Adie wrinkled her nose and ignored his hopeful question. “Can I be honest with you?”

Sure, honesty was one of his favorite things. “Go ahead.”

“Christmas is a bad time of year for me,” Adie said, her voice low. “For most of the year, I’m a badass...”

He had to smile at that, he couldn’t imagine Adie taking names and kicking ass.

Adie placed her hand on his waist and he flinched when she lightly pinched him. “Don’t you laugh at me! I really am! I’m strong and confident and happy. I enjoy going out and having a good time.”