Page 10 of Hot Holiday Fling

Adie’s mind was running at warp speed. “What still needs to be done regarding the race?”

Hunt looked at her. “I know there are some outstanding issues. I’ll ask Duncan to send you the list of what hasn’t been confirmed. Expect it sometime later this evening.”

“Is Duncan still on the premises?” Adie asked Hunter.

He looked at his watch and nodded. “My driver will be collecting him in five minutes to take him to the airport. He’s flying out shortly.”

“On your Gulfstream?” Kate asked him.

Hunt nodded. “Yeah.”

Adie turned in her seat to face Kate and handed her Hunt’s list. “Can you go with Duncan to the airport and get all the information you can about how far he’s got with regard to the various bullet points on this list? We might have to call him later, but I’d prefer not to disturb him after he’s gone unless we really have to.”

“I’ve already asked him to email you the file on the urban treasure hunt,” Hunt interjected.

“Okay, good. Then go through all these other bullet points. I bet there are at least twenty things not on this list. Get those too.”

Kate nodded and stood up. “I’m on it.”

Adie smiled up at her. “Thanks, honey. I’ll see you back at your place later, there are just a couple of points I need to iron out with Mr. Sheridan.”

Kate sent her an uncertain look at the formal use of Hunt’s name, but Adie gave the tiniest of head shakes and Kate nodded. After walking around the desk, she dropped a kiss on Hunt’s cheek and sauntered from the room, moving easily on her spiky heels.

Hunt watched Kate leave and when the door closed behind her, he spoke again. “I think Kate is going to like working as a private concierge. It will suit her vibrant personality.”

It wasn’t what Adie had expected him to say. “I think it will too, but we need to pick up some clients before I can afford to employ her on a long-term basis. Kate, with her connections, will be expensive.”

Hunt pushed his chair back and stood up, walking over to the state-of-the-art coffee machine in the corner of his large office. He offered her a cup and when Adie declined, he fixed himself a cup of coffee—unsweetened and black—and carried it over to the large window, leaning his shoulder into the glass.

Adie followed him and echoed his stance, folding her arms across her chest.

“I need help, at least until Duncan comes back.” Hunt sipped from his cup, his gray eyes looking at her over the rim. “How does it work and how much do you cost?”

Adie ran over the financial implications, gave him a ballpark figure, and suggested that she send over a quote and a contract later.

“Well, it’s not like I have much of a choice. Duncan’s unavailable and I don’t want to organize cocktail parties and decorate trees and go shopping.”

“Well, Kate and I are happy to take care of all that for you,” Adie told him, trying to sound brisk.

“Good.” Hunt placed his cup on the bookcase nearby and turned to face her, moving closer until she could feel the heat radiating off him. He smelled so good, of soap and man and something expensive but understated. She wanted to bury her face in his neck and just inhale...

He can’t be your Christmas caper, Adie. You’ve got enough on your plate without indulging in a festive fling.

And, as she’d reminded herself earlier, distracting herself by jumping into the arms of a man wasn’t something she did anymore. It had been years since she’d been tempted to engage in that sort of behavior—

Hunt trailed his fingers over her cheek. “I haven’t stopped thinking about kissing you. You’ve been on my mind all day.”

—but, damn, Sheridan was temptation personified. Adie turned her cheek into his open palm.

“I don’t sleep with my clients, Hunt.” Was she informing him or reminding herself?


“That’s sensible,” Hunt said, bending down to nibble his way up her jaw. Adie tipped her chin up and to the side to give him better access.

From a place far away, sensible Adie spoke. “Seriously, Hunt, I don’t sleep with my clients.” Even back in the day, sleeping with a guy was a very big deal and most of her relationships imploded long before they got to that point.

“Haven’t signed the contract yet...” Hunt muttered.