It took a few seconds for his words to sink in and, when they did, her eyes flashed and her nostrils flared.

‘My job, my career, and I’m not going anywhere,’ Aisha told him, her words coated with frustration and annoyance. ‘You leave and I’ll hire another restaurant consultant. I know more than a few and I don’t need you.’

Yeah, she’d made that abundantly clear when she left him. Pasco gripped the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger, trying to banish the headache that strolled in and settled down. ‘Ro is my friend and she asked me to consult on her restaurant, but I can’t work with you. If you need me to, I’ll talk to your boss. Give me his number.’

Her mouth dropped open and her eyes glittered with fury. ‘You arrogant ass! Who do you think you are? I do not need you to talk to my boss because I’m not going anywhere. And my boss is a woman, you patronising jerk!’

‘I just meant...’ Why was he explaining? Goddammit! ‘I need you to leave, Aisha. Just go.’

‘You go!’ Aisha whipped back, her temper turning her cheeks rosy. ‘I’d rather be bitten by a Cape Cobra than work with you. You’re the superstar chef, the one with various fingers in various pies. St Urban is my only pie, so leave it alone!

‘I signed a contract, and this job is important to me, crucial to my career,’ Aisha told him. She drilled a finger into his chest, so close he could see the subtle shades of colour in her black-brown irises, the tiny scar on the top of her lip. She’d changed her scent and now wore something sharp and sexy, head-spinning. Thoughts of restaurants and hotels receded and memories of her lithe and lovely body, naked of course, flashed behind his eyes. It took every shred of willpower he possessed not to lower his head, to cover her mouth with his, to drag her into his arms.

And if he did that, he might find himself on the receiving end of her right hook. She might look like the older version of the girl he married, but she’d grown up, become tougher, harder, more of a warrior.

He didn’t know whether to be furious or fascinated.

Oblivious to where his mind wandered, Aisha shoved her hand into her thick hair and seared him with a hot look. ‘I am staying here, and I will do my job, and that includes establishing this restaurant. If you decide to be a part of the process, you will treat me with courtesy and respect. Are we clear?’

When he didn’t respond other than to raise his eyebrows, she threw her hands in the air and spun away.

She took a couple of steps before stopping to toss a furious look over her shoulder. ‘I have work to do, Kildare, and you are wasting my time.’