‘When it comes to me, they are always pissed about something,’ Aisha admitted. Hearing footsteps behind them, she turned to look down the stairs and saw Priya and Oscar following another couple up the stairs.

She pulled up a smile for Pasco and lifted her index finger to drill it into his chest. ‘We need to talk, to work. Why don’t we meet in a very public place next week and we knock this project on its head?’

Pasco nodded, his smile wry. ‘Yeah, okay.’ He glanced towards the private dining room, his knuckle skimming her cheekbone. ‘If you need rescuing, give me a missed call.’

‘Thanks, but I’ll be fine,’ Aisha told him. ‘I don’t plan on staying more than an hour, two at the most.’

Pasco dropped a kiss on her cheek, and Aisha ignored her sister’s coy whistle as he walked away. She glared at Priya, saw a million questions in her eyes, and placed her finger against Priya’s ruby-red lips. ‘Not one word, Priya, I mean it.’

Priya nodded, but as soon as Aisha dropped her finger, her words flew out. ‘One question, just one! Why the hell did you let that gorgeous creature go?’

Reasons, Aisha silently replied. Many, many reasons.