‘Noted.’ He darted a look at his watch and sighed. ‘Talking of, I need to get to The Vane. I have a meeting and then we are spending the afternoon testing new dishes.’

Naturally, Sundays were never a day of rest for the workaholic chef. Aisha looked at her dining table and sighed. Rocks and glass houses, baby.

At the doorway, Pasco turned to face her and lowered his head, as if aiming for another kiss, or to brush his lips across her cheekbone or forehead. He hesitated and she saw awareness flash in his eyes, a reminder to both of them that what they had before, what was acceptable back then, might not be welcome now.

They had to rewrite the rules, find new ones, toss others. Tiptoe through this minefield.

Keep it simple and, for goodness’ sake, keep it professional. She sent him her most impersonal smile. Or at least she hoped she did. ‘I’ll see you around, Kildare.’

‘Don’t be like me and work all day, Aisha.’ Yep, there was that hint of bossiness she remembered so well.

‘Like you, I don’t have time to relax, Pasco. I have a million things to do and minimal time to get everything done. That’s why I need your cooperation.’

‘I’ll try my best, Aish.’ His eyes met hers and his expression turned rueful. ‘I know that I can sound autocratic, but I understand what burnout feels like, Aisha, and I’d hate it to happen to you. So do as I say and not as I do and take some time off to relax.’ Instead of dropping a kiss on her temple or on her cheek, he squeezed her shoulder. ‘I’ll let you know when we can meet again.’

Aisha watched, annoyingly tingly and turned on, as he walked out of her back door. Taking, she noticed, the short route back to his house.