Through the material of his trousers, Ella swiped her thumb across his shaft. She didn’t drop her eyes from his and saw the flash of pleasure, heard his sudden intake of breath. He liked that, so she did it again.
Releasing a small growl, Micah bent his knees, wound his arm under her butt and lifted her. It felt natural for her to wind her legs around his waist, relishing his strength and power. She felt small next to him, completely feminine. His mouth closed around her nipple and he tongued her through the fabric of her top and bra. Annoyed by the barrier, she leaned back, trusting him not to drop her, and lifted her shirt up her chest and over her head. She kept her eyes on his face as she reached behind her and undid the snap of her bra, pulling it off to toss it to the floor. She saw his gaze lower to her chest to take in her pale skin, her breasts—smaller than she’d like—and puckered nipples.
His hand cupped a breast, lifted it up and his lips closed over her nipple, setting off another round of fireworks in her brain, down her spine, between her legs...
‘Micah,’ she moaned, spearing her fingers into his hair.
He lifted his head to look in her eyes, and she fell into all that blue. ‘You are so beautiful.’
She wasn’t but he made her feel that way. He was so big, completely and overwhelmingly masculine. But, as strong as he was, there was a part of him that could be bruised, that was tender, able to be hurt...
In Ella’s eyes, that didn’t make him less of a man, but more.
Micah carried her over to the bed in the centre of the room and gently lowered her down, stroking his big hands over her breasts before shedding his shirt and unsnapping the buttons of his jeans. His tattoo was a Maori-inspired design covering his right pec, and fabulously hot. He pushed his jeans down his hips, along with his underwear, and she saw his slim hips, those sexy hip muscles she’d imagined him having, the ridges of his cut stomach. Her eyes dropped down further but, before she could take in his length and thickness, he bent down to kiss her chest and her stomach. His hand played with the snap of her jeans. ‘Let’s get these off, shall we?’
He was checking in with her again, wanting to know if she was still on board, and Ella nodded. Micah removed her jeans and stared down at her lacy panties, a hand drifting over her hip and across her bare bottom. ‘I love thongs,’ he said, sounding hoarse.
She did too, but right now she wanted it off. Instead of removing the scrap of fabric, Micah stroked his finger over her, pushing the fabric down into her feminine lips where it soaked up her heat. Lying back on the bed, Ella placed her forearm over her eyes and, half-lifting up, tried to push Micah’s hand to where she most wanted it—touching her in that special place.
He released a satisfied laugh before pulling the edge of her panties to the side and sliding his finger up and down, flirting with her core. Ella lifted her hips off the bed to increase the contact, needing more. Needing everything he could give her.
Micah lay down beside her, holding her face so that she looked at him. ‘I want to go slow, but I need you, El.’
Ella found his erection and wrapped her hand around his girth, surprised when he hardened even more. ‘I need you too. Now.’
‘Condom,’ Micah said, sounding desperate.
She didn’t have any but, God, she hoped he did. Micah rolled off the bed, grabbed his jeans and yanked his wallet out of the pocket. Bank cards, cash and credit card slips fell to the floor. He swore creatively and then she heard his relieved sigh. He dropped his wallet and, still standing up, completely unselfconscious, ripped open the condom and rolled it down his shaft, a normally prosaic action made erotic by a sexy man.
Micah placed his knee on the bed and dropped his head to place his mouth on her, licking her once in a slow, hot slide. Ella gasped then released a heated groan and Micah slid into her, stretching her and filling every inch of her. He placed his hands on either side of her head and stared down at her as he pulled back and re-entered her, slowly, stunningly.
Ella licked her lips, needing his mouth. ‘Kiss me, Micah.’
Micah dropped down and she caught a flash of intense blue before his tongue entered her mouth, echoing the movements of what was happening down below.
Ella felt as though she was both inside her body and out of it, a part of Micah but not, playing on the stars as well as riding the biggest of the ocean’s waves. She was sex and sensation, on the bed and not; herself, but Micah too.
Sensation steadily built and she felt tears in her eyes, her heart filling with an emotion she couldn’t identify. She’d had sex before but nothing like this, nothing so crazy wonderful, so startlingly sensational.
She felt herself standing on the edge of a cliff but not scared to walk off it, knowing she’d be caught and tossed up into the heavens, into that starry sky she’d admired earlier.
Ella dug her fingernails into Micah’s butt and arched her hips, silently encouraging him to go faster, to take her higher. He responded immediately and pumped his hips, driving deeper into her, commanding her to feel all of him, to take every bit of pleasure she could.
His voice faded away, a wave of pleasure shoved her into the void and she tumbled and fell, rolled over and ignited in a fireball that was all heat and no pain, filled with colours she’d never experienced before.
She exploded and, a long time later, she floated down, idly gathering her shattered pieces, slowly putting them back together.
When she was done, she realised Micah’s face was on her neck, his arms cradling her head and his weight pushing her body into the mattress. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t breathe; he felt amazing.
As though reading her mind, Micah rolled off her onto his back, his hand patting the space between them to come to land on her thigh. Ella turned her head to see that his eyes were still closed and that he was breathing rapidly, his chest pumping up and down. A fine layer of perspiration covered his neck, shoulders and chest.
He looked like a Greek god who’d just run a marathon. So sexy...
Micah rolled his head to the side to look at her. ‘Wow.’
He’d said the same thing when he’d kissed her earlier. ‘That bad?’ she asked, knowing it wasn’t.
He squeezed her thigh and sent her a long, slow, skin-melting smile. ‘I don’t know. I might have to do that again so that I know it wasn’t an aberration.’