No, her decision to emigrate to the UK was a good one. In a month, she’d be overseas, in a new city and, hopefully, in a new job. She’d have six thousand miles between herself and her dad, and she wouldn’t feel obliged to see the man who didn’t want to see her. London or Dublin would be a new start, some place where she could breathe and be herself again. And maybe, in a hundred years or so, she might find a man who’d support and believe her.
Then again, she might find a unicorn guarding a pot of gold first.
Through her open window, Ella heard the low growl of a powerful engine. Intrigued, she stood up and gasped when she saw a silver Bentley Bentayga turn into the car park. Before their relationship had fallen apart, Ella and her dad had shared a love of cars, with Ella spending many a Sunday attending car shows with him. The Bentayga was an exceptional SUV, stunningly expensive and, given its stratospheric price, there were only a few in the country.
She’d love to see one up close and personal and she’d give her eye teeth to drive one. Ella watched as the driver expertly spun the huge car into a tight parking space. The door opened and a man exited, and Ella took a moment to admire his height: he had to be six-three or more, with wide shoulders, a broad back and a truly excellent butt. He wore a white shirt, his sleeves rolled up tanned forearms. His shirt was tucked into navy chino pants, held up by what looked like a soft leather belt the same colour as his leather brogues. His short, loose curls were expertly cut, a natural combination of light brown and the darkest blond. From the back, he was gorgeous. If his face matched his body, he could easily feature on the cover ofMen’s Health.
He turned to walk towards the entrance of their building—was he a potential client?—and Ella saw the thick stubble on his square jaw, strong eyebrows and sexy mouth. Yep, he had a masculine, fallen-angel face...
As if sensing her eyes on him, he abruptly stopped and tipped his head up, scanning the windows. Ella didn’t pull back quickly enough and his eyes zeroed in on her, dark and dangerous. She couldn’t tell the colour, but saw the intensity in his gaze, and she felt her skin prickle and heat.
She was so busted...
Ella blushed, lifted her hand in half a wave and saw his lips quirk upward in a ‘I’m so hot what can I do?’ smirk. He lifted two fingers to his temple in a cocky salute and Ella frowned, unimpressed with his attitude.
Sick of men who thought they were God’s gift, she opened her window and peered down. ‘Get over yourself, I was just admiring your car,’ she called to him.
Those strong eyebrows lifted and his smile broadened. Was that a dimple in his left cheek?Yep, definitely overkill, God.
‘Really? I’m sure you don’t even know what it is.’
Oh, God... His voice was warm and deep, a voice that spoke of an excellent education and old money. It was a bedroom voice...
Concentrate, Ella!
He’d just issued a challenge and it was one she could easily win. She intended to take Mr Cocky down a peg or two.
‘It’s a Bentley Bentayga, S-model and powered by a six-hundred-and-twenty-six horsepower, twelve-cylinder W-shaped engine. It has an eight-speed automatic transmission and is rated as the fastest SUV in the world. Although Lamborghini might dispute that claim, as the Urus SUV is also pretty exceptional.’ As she expected, his mouth fell open and his expression changed to astonishment.
‘Newsflash, Hotshot—girls can be interested in cars too,’ she told him, before pulling her window closed.
God, she was so sick of being dismissed and underestimated! Sick of men who thought the world revolved around them.
Ella turned at a rap on her door and smiled when Janie, her closest friend at Le Roux Events, stepped into the room, her face alive with curiosity. ‘Something big is going down,’ she announced, her light brown eyes alive with curiosity.
Since she only had three weeks to go, Ella didn’t much care. ‘Has Paul in accounting received new hair plugs or did someone steal Eva’s parking spot?’ Ella asked.
‘Neither,’ Janie said, her eyes wide. ‘Apparently the big boss is in the building!’
‘Big boss?’
‘Micah Le Roux, one of the owners!’
Ella frowned. The Le Roux brothers owned the events company but she’d never seen them on the premises. Her boss went to their offices, not the other way round. Janie walked over to the window and pointed to the car park below. Ella looked over her shoulder and saw a group of about five men standing by the Bentayga, discussing and admiring the car.
‘That’s his car, and Naomi just confirmed that he’s here to see Ben. I wonder why?’ Janie mused. ‘Do you think it could have anything to do with your complaint?’
So the hot guy in the cool car was one of the owners of the company. Interesting. Ella recalled Janie’s question and shook her head. She was too sensible to assume that. ‘I doubt it. Even if he could be bothered, men like him, when discussing issues like mine, would demand a meeting in his office. He wouldn’t drive across town weeks after the incident.’
‘Then why do you think he’s here?’
‘I couldn’t care less,’ Ella answered. Why should she? She’d worked twelve-hour days for months and months, organised some incredible events and had come in on time and budget on every project. Le Roux Events had made money off her hard work but when she’d asked for support, to be believed, they’d metaphorically punched her in the face.
It wasn’t fair...and it most definitely wasn’t right.
And, because he was on the premises and she had the opportunity, maybe it was time that someone told Micah Le Roux that straight to his face. Ella frowned, mentally asking herself if she really intended to confront the company owner...
For her peace of mind, she had to.