Page 65 of Perfect Someday

Nate, on the other hand, has gotten pretty cozy with Ellie, so I’m curious to see how this all will end.

“What’s the news, boss lady?” Trent asks as we approach, putting his feet down and standing up.

I’ll never get over them calling me that, but I gave up trying to stop it years ago.

“They’re saying we need to go on a radio tour,” I say as I put my hands in my pockets and rock back on my heels.

“But what about your mom?” Nate asks.

I shrug. “One thing at a time. I needed to talk to you guys first. They’re sending us plane tickets to fly out tomorrow.”

“Hey, if you say fuck ’em, we’ll say fuck ’em too,” Cole says, making me laugh.

God, I love these guys.

I shake my head. “No, they’re right. We’ve worked too hard on this to just walk away right when we get to this stage. I’ll figure it out.”

Nate wraps his arms around me. “We got you, girl.”

I hug him back. “I know. Thank you.”

We look at each other. It’s all so surreal, what’s happening, on so many aspects of my life not just music, but knowing I have these guys feels like I can get through anything.

Cole tilts his head, then claps his hands together. “Well, looks like we’re blowing off this town once again. Back to Nashville we go …”

We all agree and say our good-byes.

I head down the street to Susie’s house, which is just a block up. The short drive helps me clear my head just a little more. We’ve been researching some places for my mom, and it looks like this might be where we’re heading.

I knock on the door, and within seconds, she answers, wearing her Mason Creek Market apron, the sight catching me off guard. It’s something I’ve seen my mom wear for years now. I just never expected it to hit me this way.

“Hey, sweetie. What’s up?”

“Looks like I’ll need to put my mom in that home much sooner than we thought,” I say with a sigh.

Her expression changes to that of concern. “Did something happen?”

I shake my head. “No. I just need to get back to Nashville. The record label isn’t too happy with us.”

She wraps her arms around me. “Oh, sweetie. You know your mom is so proud of you. She wouldneverwant you to ruin anything you have going on to take care of her.”

I feel a tear slip out of my eye, and I wipe it away as she pulls back from me. “I know. It just sucks, is all.”

She purses her lips and nods. “It really does. I wish I had something better to say.”

I laugh out loud and look up to the sky, trying to fight back more tears. I feel like all I’ve done these past few weeks is cry.

“Any chance you can go with me today to get her signed up?” I ask.

“Of course. Let me give Alana a call. I’m sure for this, we can get someone to take my spot for a few hours.”

“Thank you. I’ll go get her stuff packed and call the facility.”

She rubs my back. “Sounds good. I’ll be over there shortly.”

I make the call to the memory care facility I liked the most, called Five Acres, letting them know we need to get the ball rolling, and thankfully, they have a place available for her. The place is only a few towns over and is a home that has been converted to a memory care facility that only houses eleven patients. I like this one because it feels like a home.

Once I have her packed, it takes a little bit to get my mom to stop what she’s doing, but with the help of Susie, we get her in the car and head there.