“Thank you!” She hugs me even harder, then laughs more to herself. “It’s been quite the day, let me tell you.”
“I can imagine. Tell me about it.” I nod over to where I have a sitting area and head that way.
She follows. I stop by the fridge first and grab two beers I have hidden in the back and hand her one. She takes it with a smile and pops the top off, handing me the cap back before heading toward the couch and taking a seat.
“It’s so crazy, you know?” she says, her voice not hiding the disbelief of the situation.
“Leah and I were freaking out, so you guys must be wild over it.” I sit down next to her and lean to the side to face her more. “Were the guys excited?”
She takes a drink with a nod. “They were nuts, jumping around like the fools they’ve come to be. I love them though.”
“I’m sure you guys are like family now. You must have been through a lot to get here.”
She laughs out loud. “You have no idea. I’m lucky I had them though. They all are like big brothers to me now.”
“I’m glad to hear that. So, what’s the next step? Is there a tour? Do you guys go from radio station to radio station, begging them to play your song?”
She giggles at my questions. “No, we don’t go from radio station to radio station. I guess, now, we wait. See how the song does. If it does well, then they’ll release another one. It’s a long waiting game now.”
I reach for her hand instinctively, not fighting the urge to do so. Thankfully, she lets me hold her fingers, like I used to.
“It’s going to be amazing. I have no doubt. When Leah called the radio station, they said other people had already called to talk about the song.”
“She called the radio station?” she asks with a surprised laugh.
“Hell yes, she did. If she hadn’t, I would have. We’re all very proud of you.”
She stares into my eyes with a soft grin on her face. “Thank you for last night.”
I take a sip of my beer. “Don’t worry about it. You know I’m here for you.”
She bites her lip, and I can tell she’s got all this energy built up but no way to let it out, so I stand up, keeping my hand locked with hers.
“Come on.”
She eyes me. “To where?”
“You’ll see. Trust me.”
She sighs, but I can tell she’s fighting back a grin as she stands. “Okay.”
I don’t know why I went to his hitting facility tonight, but something inside of me had to be near him. With everything going on, it was all just too much. I needed that familiarity he would bring—that sense of family.
Now, as we’re in his truck, driving through town to God knows where because he hasn’t told me, all I can think about is how there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.
He turns off Old Bridge Road, and my eyes light up when he heads toward the lake.
“Does your dad still have the houseboat?”
“Do you really think he’d ever sellMcLovin?” He winks at me.
I drop my head back on the seat rest and let out a blissful sigh. This is exactly what I need right now.
Going to the lake and chillin’ onMcLovinwas my absolute favorite thing to do in high school. It’s been a long five years since I’ve just been able to relax and breathe.