Page 38 of Perfect Someday

“When you were my age, didn’t you date that girl who’s trying to be a country singer?”

I take a sip of my coffee, buying time. “Not exactly your age, a little older, but yeah. Hannah Murphy and I dated in high school.”

“What happened?”

I turn to grab some things from a bag in the corner. I have no intention of doing anything with them, but I want my words to come off as nonchalant as possible. “She moved to Tennessee, and I went to college.”

“You guys didn’t keep in touch?”

I shake my head as I plop the Bownet on the ground. “Nope. Now, are we going to work or talk about my past all day?”

“Depends. How much do you plan on kicking my ass today? I might need to prolong this for a little longer,” he teases.

“Get your ass up and work. Gossip time is over.” I point to the cones.

He laughs but begins his shuffle drills.

* * *

After my lessons, I head to my dad’s place for a barbeque. As I enter their backyard, my baby sister rushes toward me.

“Matthew!” she says as she jumps up into my arms.

This little girl is the best part of moving back to Mason Creek. Getting to see her every day puts a smile on my face.

“Hey, poopy face,” I say, making her giggle.

Even though I’m eighteen years older than her, I still take every chance I get to treat her like a sibling, teasing and all, no matter the age difference between us. I grew up as an only child, and I don’t want her thinking she doesn’t have a sibling—and all that comes with that—even though I don’t live with her.

“Where is everyone?” I look around as I set her down.

“Mom and Dad are in the kitchen, getting the food ready. I was just working on my swing off the tee. Want to help me?”

I stare at her wide-open eyes. “Do you know who I am? Of course I want to help you.” I stand and cross my arms playfully. “But you know, other people pay me for my lessons. What do I get out of this?”

She holds her fingers up to her chin, like she’s thinking really hard. Then, with a cheesy grin, she holds her arms out wide, like she’s going to give me the biggest hug ever.

I swoop her up in my arms and take that hug for all it’s worth. “And here I thought, money was the best payment,” I say with a laugh.

Justine joins us right then. “Oh boy. What did she get out of you now?”

“He’s going to help me with my swing,” Emily says as she jumps out of my arms and races to where we set up a little hitting station for her.

“You’re pretty lucky to have him as a big brother,” Justine says with a wink as she walks over and gives me a hug hello.

“You know I’m going to make her the best softball player there ever was, right?” I say proudly.

“Oh, I have no doubt. And she’s going to eat up every second.”

My dad exits the house, carrying a try of meat.

“What you got there?” I ask.

“Some tri-tip. How were lessons this morning?” Dad replies.

I grab a piece of watermelon they have sitting on the table and pop it in my mouth. “Good. Guess who I saw at Java Jitters this morning.”

He stops what he’s doing and looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “My guess is, someone you haven’t seen in a while if it’s a topic of conversation right now.”