Page 27 of Perfect Someday

I jump for joy in my seat as Matthew wraps his arms around me to bring me in for a hug. “I know you’ll be someone someday. I just know it.”



As I sit in my room, looking at my packed bags, ready to move to Missoula, all I can think about is Hannah. I’ve begged her over and over again to move with me, but she still says no. I’ve explained that there’re more bars and music venues for her to perform up there, but she doesn’t see the opportunity I do, I guess.

I honestly never thought I’d leave Mason Creek without her, but here I am, ready to walk out the door. Alone.

My dad knocks. “Hey, Matthew?”

“Yeah,” I answer, giving him permission to enter.

“Hannah’s here to see you.”

He opens the door, and Hannah walks in.

“Hey.” I stand up off my bed to greet her.

To my surprise, my dad shuts the door after Hannah walks in. He’s never allowed her in my room like this, so the action knocks me slightly off-kilter.

Then, I look at her face.

“What’s wrong?” I lean down to be eye-level with her.

“I couldn’t have you leave without knowing what’s been going on,” she says shyly.

My heart stops as a million different things rush through my head.

I step back, afraid of what she’s trying to say. “What do you mean, what’s been going on?”

“I’m really happy for you that you’re going to Missoula to follow your baseball dream.”

Her eyes meet mine, and my chest aches.

I reach for her hand, wrapping my pointer finger around hers. “I know. But don’t worry. Nothing is going to change the way I feel about you. About us.”

She bites her bottom lip, so I move my other hand up to her hair.

“What’s wrong, baby?”

“I’m moving to Tennessee,” she blurts out, and I feel like her words physically slap me across the face.

“You’re what?” I drop her hand and step back from her.

“Melody came through on her word and introduced me to someone two weeks ago.”

“Two. Weeks. Ago?” I try to stay calm but am not having such great luck at doing so.

Her eyes close as she takes a deep breath. When she opens them, I see renewed determination.

“Yes. I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin our last two weeks together.”

“Last two weeks?” I feel like the wind was just knocked out of me. “What do you mean?”

“Matthew, I love you. I do. But our dreams are taking us in different directions. I just don’t see how this is going to work with us so far away from each other. I want you to live your life, and I honestly don’t know if or when I’ll ever be able to come back.”

“What? What about us? What about your mom?”