Page 20 of Perfect Someday

I look to my dad, who glances up from the cans he’s opening and nods. “You guys should come. You’ll get to see the ball drop from where we’ll be.”

“Really?” I ask with my eyes wide open. “That would be awesome. Yeah, let me ask Hannah.”

I grab my phone from my back pocket and FaceTime her. When she answers, she’s still just as animated as the last time I spoke with her.

“Hi!” she says with a huge smile.

“Did you hear about our girl, Matthew?” Bobbi, her mom, asks from over her shoulder, peeking into the camera.

“I sure did.” I grin, looking at Hannah, then back to her mom.

“We heard too!” Justine yells out from in front of me. I turn the camera to face her and my dad. “We’re so thrilled for you, Hannah.”

“Yeah. Pretty cool. You’ll have to tell us all about it next time you come over,” Dad says as he walks closer to the phone. “And when you’re ready, I’d be honored to have you guys open for me sometime, or I can give you some names to call if you want to set up your own shows.”

“Are you serious?” she squeals into the phone.

“That would be very nice of you, Tucker,” Bobbi says, coming into view again.

Hannah covers her mouth, not sure what to say, but she is obviously freaking out at the opportunity my dad just offered.

“Yes, Tucker. Oh my God, that would be amazing,” she says after a few seconds.

“Anytime you want. I already know you got the voice. We just have to make sure those guys can play,” Dad says.

“Oh, they can. I promise. I couldn’t believe how fast we came together and sounded just like the songs,” Hannah says.

My dad stops what he’s doing and comes closer to the phone to give Hannah his full attention. “Now, that’s what I like to hear. When it’s easy like that, it’s magic. Very cool. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks, you guys. I wouldn’t have even gotten this far if it wasn’t for you.”

“Hey, we know talent when we see it,” Justine says, pointing the knife she’s cutting with at her to make a point.

I turn the camera back to me. “So, now, for the real reason why I called. My dad and Justine are going to New York for New Year’s Eve. Bobbi, can she come with us?”

She pushes her shoulders to her ears, then raises her eyebrows while she looks at Hannah. “It’s okay with me. Sounds like fun.”

I look at Hannah, whose eyes are even bigger. “New York for New Year’s Eve? Seriously?”

“So, you’re in?” I ask.

“Heck yes, I’m in! How fun.”

I nod. “Nice.” I turn to my dad and Justine. “Looks like we’re going to New York!”

* * *

The next day at school, I walk up to Hannah and wrap my arms around her waist from behind while I lean around her to kiss her cheek. “There’s my girl.”

She turns around and gives me a quick peck on the lips. “Hey there.”

Just then, Scott and Eric join us in the hallway of our school.

“What’s this I hear about a new band forming at school?” Eric asks.

I glance at Hannah, who’s smiling from ear to ear as she turns back around, staying in my arms. “Who told you?”

“It’s more like, who didn’t tell us?” Scott says. “You’re making us baseball studs look like chopped liver with the buzz you’ve created around school.”