Page 17 of Perfect Someday

“One, two, three,” Trent says before he starts the chords that make up the intro to the song.

My heart stops at the sound of it. All we’re missing is the cow at the beginning, and it would be the exact same thing. I laugh to myself at the fact that the first song we’re playing starts with the moo of a cow and we’re practicing in a barn.

When I miss my cue, he stops and glances up at me, and I realize my mistake. “I’m sorry. That was my spot. Yes. My bad. I was just shocked at how that sounded just like the song.”

Trent laughs. “Well, yeah, that’s kind of the point.”

I drop my head and chuckle under my breath. “Yes. Duh. Okay, start over.”

He does, and this time, I don’t miss my start and sing, “County Road 233.”

Cole hits his cue of hitting the drum only one time, startling me and making me jump slightly in response.

“Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!” I bounce around the room. “I’ll get this, I swear.”

“It’s okay. Take a big breath in,” Nate says. “We’ll go when you’re ready.”

I close my eyes and inhale, then exhale slowly, nodding my head. Thankfully, Trent gets my cue, and even though I keep my eyes shut, he starts again.

I begin, “County Road 233. Under my feet.”

I continue with the rest of the opening, and when I get to the chorus, where Nate and Cole join in, chills cover my entire body as I open my eyes and see us playing the song like a real band.

When I sing, “Gunpowder and lead,” I want to cry at how good we sound.

This is legit. This is really happening!

After we finish, I scream into the air, “That was amazing!”

“Hell yeah, it was!” Trent matches my enthusiasm. “You sounded just like her!”

I blush at his words but squeal with glee at the same time.

I look over to Nate and Cole, who both have cheesy grins on their faces.

“You felt that too, right? That was real?” I say, bouncing on my toes like an excited four-year-old about to get ice cream.

Nate laughs. “Yes, that was very real.”

I jump around the room, needing to get all this electrifying energy out of me. My entire body is shaking from this high I’ve never felt before.

It was different, playing with Tucker, as I knew that was a one-time thing. But knowing this is mine—this dream of actually getting to sing more—and it is truly happening, it’s so overwhelming that I don’t even know what to do with myself.

“Let’s try another one,” Cole says, and I turn to him.

“Good idea! Okay, which one?”

“I want to hear ‘Girl Crush,’” Nate says, and my high instantly fades.

“Yes!” Trent yells.

My stomach turns as I try to psych myself up. “Just give me a second to come down. I need to be in a different place for that song.” I wander around, shaking my arms out to the sides as I take deep breaths in and out.

“Yeah, I get that. Take your time.” Cole stands up and walks to a fridge where bottles of water are, and he brings us each one.

I open mine and take a drink, trying to bring my emotions back down.

The song is about a woman who is jealous because the man she wants is in love with another woman. It’s emotional and very raw—a completely different mood than what I’m in now.