Page 13 of Perfect Someday

“Thank you.”

I turn and search for which table will hold the four of us and head in that direction. Yes, I can’t believe Ellie was able to find three potential band members—two guitarists and one drummer.

Not long after I take a seat, Jessie brings me my latte in a mug that says:Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re there.I instantly smile at the statement and how fitting it is right now. I wouldn’t be here if Ellie hadn’t set this up for me. Knowing she believes in me that much gives me more confidence than I had just a few seconds ago.

Cole—who, I learned, plays the drums—is the first to arrive. I’ve had a few classes with him, but I had no clue of his hobby.

“Hey, Hannah,” he says as he walks my way.

I place my mug down and stand to greet him, realizing just how awkward this really is. Before we can sit back down, Nate and Trent, who both play guitar, enter at the same time. We wave them over, and they head toward us.

They all stare at me, and I feel my face getting beet red.

“So, I didn’t know you guys played instruments,” I start, feeling like an absolute dork.

“Yep, Trent and I have been playing together since we were younger,” Nate says as he motions between the two of them.

“And I started playing the drums about two years ago. Never thought I’d be doing something like this though.” He shrugs. “I just wanted something to do during the winter when it was too cold to go outside.” He chuckles. “But what about you? How come I’ve never seen you sing in the choir at school?”

I bite my lip. “I was always too nervous to sing in front of anyone.”

“I’m sure glad you got over that. My mom kept talking about how good you were the other night. When I told her about this, I’ve never seen her so excited for me to get involved with something,” Cole says. “At least now, she feels like all the times I drove her nuts with my playing will be worth something.”

We all laugh at his joke, and from there, the conversation flows with ease.

Since Nate and Trent have already been practicing together, they know there will be no issue with deciding who will be the lead and who will be backup on which song, as they both have strong points in their playing, which just happen to be the opposite of each other. They’ve performed together a few times but never with a drummer or singer, and they seem up for the new challenge.

Since Cole has the hardest instrument to move, his mother was gracious enough to allow us to practice out on their county property. “She said since she’s already used to the racket, it could only be better with other people joining, so she can hear actual complete songs.”

“I think I’m going to like your mom,” I tease. “She seems pretty cool.”

He grins proudly. “Yeah, she is.”

“Well,” I say with a sigh as I sit back in my chair, “it looks like we might just have a band here. Now, we just need to pick some songs to practice with. Are there any you guys already know how to play?”

They throw out classics like “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd and “I Walk the Line” by Johnny Cash, making me raise my eyebrows and point at myself.

“Female. I’m a female, so we’ll need songs that make sense if I sing them.” I giggle.

They all nod as Nate says, “Oh yeah. I guess we should pay attention to that!”

“Let’s go through songs on our own, and later tonight, we can text each other five. Then, we can narrow it down from there.”

We exchange numbers and start a group text between the four of us.

“Okay, here we go. We’re officially a band. I just hope we sound as good as this feels!” I say with a huge smile on my face.

I look at the three guys I barely knew before, but I get a feeling they are all about to be a big part of my life.



I’m giddy when I walk through the door and see my mom in the kitchen, making dinner.

“Mom, you’re never going to believe this!” I say as I spin around in glee.

She stops what she’s doing and gives me her full attention. “What, dear?”