Page 63 of Perfect Someday

“Thanks for coming,” I say.

Her wide smile is everything. “Thanks for inviting me. You’ve got quite the team here. And from what the parents told me, it’s all because of your coaching skills.”

I smile with pride. I have taken this team from pretty sad to a winning squad, and hearing parents see the progress, too, makes me very happy.

“See ya.” She grins as she reaches to close the door.

As I head toward my truck, Chris, one of my players, teases me. “So, you do finally have a girlfriend. I knew there was something different at our training session the other day.”

I hold my arms out to my sides. “Was it that obvious?”

He jokes, “Uh, yeah. You were standing there in a love-drunk haze in the middle of my warm-up.”

I laugh. “Fine, guilty as charged. Now, go get cleaned up. You stink,” I tease him back.

On my way back home, I stop by my dad’s to say hello to him and Justine and to give my little sister a squeeze.

She hears my truck coming down the street and is running out to say hello before I even have it in park.

“Matthew!” she yells with her arms opened wide.

“Hey, sweetie.” I pick her up and swing her around. “How’s my favorite sister?”

She giggles in my arms. “I’m your only sister.”

I shrug my shoulders playfully. “Hence why you’re my favorite.”

She giggles again as I continue to carry her back into the house. “Hello? Anyone home besides this giggling monster?” I set her down on the living room floor, where she was obviously watching some cartoons.

Justine comes around the corner with a smile on her face. “Hey, Matthew.” She walks up and gives me a hug. “Glad you stopped by. I was just getting food on for this little one. Want something?”

“Sure, I’d love that. Thank you.”

“You bet. Your dad’s out back. Head on out, and I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

“Thanks, Justine.”

I head to the backyard. “What’s up, Pops?”

He’s getting ready to mow the yard, and he stops to come greet me. “Hey, Matthew. Glad you stopped by. You can help me pull these weeds.” He’s joking, but in all honesty, we both know I’ll stay and help him finish up whatever he needs done.

“Want a beer?” He motions toward the home.

“Actually, yes, that sounds great,” I say as I head back in the house and grab two, then walk to hand him one.

He nods his thanks as we head toward a table that sits in the shade.

“How was the game?”

“We won!” I hold my beer up to air cheers, and he does the same.

“Congrats. Team’s doing well, I hear.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty proud of those guys. Hannah came to watch too.” I take a sip, trying to act nonchalant about it all.

“I figured you guys wouldn’t be able to stay away from each other.”

I tilt my head at him in question. “What’s that supposed to mean?”