Page 34 of Perfect Someday

Of course, she knows I know she’s here. The place is tiny, and, hello, anyone new sticks out like a sore thumb.

It only takes a couple of seconds for her to look in my direction, and when our eyes meet, my chest literally tightens to the point that I can barely breathe.

I try to take a breath in through my nose but am forced to open my lips slightly to let it release through my mouth to help calm my nerves. I know she notices because her eyes drift to my lips, then back to my eyes.

She scoots back in her chair slowly, and like an idiot, I instantly turn around to see if my food is ready.

Kicking myself, I curse under my breath as I feel her approach me.

“Hey,” she says, her voice soft and sweet.

I turn and am taken aback by her features. From afar, she looked the same, but now that she’s up close, I can see the subtle differences in the way she wears her makeup, how her hair is a little more styled than she used to do with long curls, and the way she’s grown up to more of a woman than a girl.

Most of all, I see just how stunning she is.

Over time, I’ve questioned what I saw in her, convincing myself it was puppy love. As I stand here now, all those feelings come rushing back in the blink of an eye—her beautiful green eyes, to be exact.

She licks her lips nervously, and I realize I haven’t said anything.

“Oh, hey,” I say way too loud and then want to smack myself in the forehead, but I keep my composure—thankfully.

“I didn’t know you moved back after college,” she says, her words feeling like a stab to my heart. “I always thought you’d move away to some big city to play ball.”

If she didn’t know I’d moved back, that means no one has talked to her about me—or worse, she hasn’t cared enough to ask.

I glance to Leah, and she jumps to busy herself like she wasn’t trying to listen in on our conversation.

Her friends Ellie and Leah kept in touch with me through social media while I was away at college. And they were well aware I lived here again—come on, it is Mason Creek after all, and everyone sees and knows everything. Yet they told her nothing.

I smile like that thought doesn’t hurt.

“Yep. Got injured. Kind of ruined those dreams. But I’m back here, working with kids and their dreams.”

She places her hand on my shoulder in a kind way. “I always knew you’d do something with kids. You have a special heart. Looks like you still do.”

I try to grin like her hand on me isn’t affecting me in any way. I nod and turn to Leah, who sets my bagel down next to the large coffee. I grab them, never so happy for my food to be done.

“Well, I’m off to give a private lesson. Take care, Hannah. It was good to see you.”

I walk away, not waiting for her response. I lift my arm in a semi-wave to the guys in her band and exit the shop before I screw anything else up, praying she didn’t realize how much seeing her really messed with me.

* * *


I watch as Matthew walks out the door, acting like he doesn’t have a care in the world. It’s been five years since I’ve seen him, and it’s as if he couldn’t have cared less to see me again.

I look at Leah with a confused expression, and she sighs, leaning down on the counter in an exasperated way.

“What was that all about?” I ask.

“Did you really not know he’d moved back?” she asks.

I stick my hand out at her. “How would I know if you didn’t tell me?”

She stands up straight with a shrug. “You told me early on to not talk about him to you, so I just never have.”

I rub my lips together in thought. “I know, but … I don’t know. I guess it’s kind of weird that I didn’t know he was here. I honestly never thought he’d come back. What happened? How did he get injured?”