Page 33 of Perfect Someday

“You know we got you, girl,” Trent says as I hug him last. “Now, get to bed.”

I take a deep inhale and grab my things, heading to my old room. When I open the door, I quickly realize that nothing has changed since the day I left. My bed is still made up, and my school awards are still sitting on display on my dresser along with a picture of Matthew and me.

I walk to it and pick it up, leaning back on the dresser as I stare at the two of us. It’s amazing how much has changed since I left.

I’d like to say we’ve kept in touch, but we truly haven’t since the day I left his room, crying, and he left for college.

I deleted all of my personal social media accounts as the band began making a name for ourselves and started anew with fresh accounts, so no one could stalk my past.

Not that growing up in Mason Creek afforded anything scandalous, but when our manager suggested it, I thought it made sense. My account was full of pictures with Matthew anyway, so I didn’t want people looking him up either.

If I’m being honest with myself, I’ve purposely tried to forget that part of my life. Leaving him was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I know it was the right thing to do, and our new album proves it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still kill me when I think about it.

As I look at the two of us, all I can do is sigh.

In the photo, he’s looking at me like I’m his entire world. He treated me that way too. He promised we’d be forever, and I’m the one who walked away.

Before I get too worked up, going down memory lane, I place the photo down and head to my suitcase to get ready for bed. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day.



After the last kid leaves, I lock up the doors to my hitting facility, which I built out of an old barn on the outskirts of town. This place is something I would have dreamed of having as a kid, so of course, I stay here as long as anyone wants. I never thought that time would be one in the morning, but giving these kids a place they can call their own, where they can work on their craft, makes it all worth it.

Getting injured the way I did might have taken away my dreams of getting to play in the majors, but at least I can still try to help someone else chase that dream.

I hop in my truck and head to the small house I’m renting from Wilder, a local rancher who has some cabins he rents out. It’s not very big, but it has running water and keeps me warm in the winter with the stone fireplace, so it works for me for now.

Of course, Dad and Justine wanted me to live there when I moved back, and I did for a while, but I wanted my own place. They have their hands full, raising my baby sister, Emily, so I didn’t want to be in their way.

What are the odds that the only place I could find that I could afford on my measly-paying coaching job is by Hannah’s house, so I have to drive by there every time I go home?

I thought after being gone for four years, it wouldn’t bother me, but I can’t lie, even to myself. I’ve tried to not keep tabs on her, but it’s a little hard when my dad is so closely tied to the industry, and of course, every person in town talks about how The MC Band is making it big.

I shouldn’t hate on them. They’re all proud of the kids they helped raise because, come on, the termit takes a villagereally does happen in a small town like Mason Creek.

As I’m driving by, a car I don’t recognize is sitting in Bobbi’s driveway. When I see a big Hertz rental sticker across the back, my stomach sinks.

Did Hannah really come home?

* * *

I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night since all I thought about was Hannah, and whose rental call that could have been.

This morning, I’m meeting a player for one-on-one training, and I’m a mess. As I drag my ass into Java Jitters, I notice the way Leah, Hannah’s friend who now works here, stares at me with wide eyes.

I pat down my hair and rub my face, wondering if I’m more of a mess than I realize. Then I see the way her eyes roam so I follow her gaze to a corner table.

A corner table that holds all of the members of The MC Band, including Hannah.

My heart lurches into my throat, but I try to act as cool as can be. Without making any motions, I head to the counter, saying, “I’ll need a tall one today.”

Leah’s eyes bounce back and forth between me and Hannah, and I tilt my head at her while blinking slowly, as if to say,Can you be more obvious?

She gets my drift and jumps to get my normal black coffee as well as a bagel started for me.

Even though I know I shouldn’t, I turn around and lean on the bar, folding my arms as I wait. Honestly, it’s what I do every time I come here, but today, I feel awkward as hell.