Page 24 of Perfect Someday

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New Year’s Eve comes, and my nerves are a jumbled mess. As I look out at the crowd, all I can think about is how I wish Matthew were here.

It was a hard two weeks between us. He was upset I wasn’t going with him, but I was just as upset that he wouldn’t be here to support me. Add in why he didn’t see that how me missing this gig was like him missing a baseball game, and there was no way we were ever going to see eye to eye on this.

Now though, I just want him here.

I glance out in the crowd to see my mom as well as Ellie and Leah sitting there patiently with huge smiles on their faces. I knew the three of them wouldn’t miss it for anything, and it does make me feel a little better, knowing they’re here.

When they call us onstage, we all give a four-way hug before getting hyped up and entering the stage with waves as we all take our place.

Ellie and Leah scream their excitement as the rest of the audience barely claps. The difference between them and everyone else makes me giggle, so I point it out.

“I bet you can’t guess where our cheering section is,” I tease, making them all laugh, which helps calm my breathing.

I look to the guys, then hold up the microphone as Cole starts our beat, and our session begins with ease. Just like we practiced, we pull off the first song with no issues and move into our second song like old pros.

With each song, we gain a little more attention from the audience, and by the middle, we even have some people up dancing. Seeing the joy our music causes them fuels me even more, and by the end of the set, I’m completely on cloud nine.

As we start our last song, I realize just how much I don’t want to stop. I never want this to stop. I need to make this happen for me—for us. We play like we’ve been together for years, and by the reaction of the crowd, I can tell it’s not just what I think.

At the end of our set, we get huge applause. When the guys join me at the front of the stage, their claps get louder, and we even get a few whistles.

We head off the stage in a huge high, and we all jump around in complete awe of what we just did.

Ellie and Leah race toward me after the door to the backstage opens.

“Oh my God, you were amazing!” Leah yells out.

“I loved every minute,” Ellie says, and she and Leah both give me the biggest hugs ever.

“I’m so proud of you,” Mom says once she gets her turn to give me a hug. “I just… seeing you up there… my heart… it just,” she pauses to regroup herself. “Look at me I can’t even talk I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, Mom.” I give her a hug, not wanting to let go.

I get my love of music from her, and I have her to thank for this moment.

We talk to everyone’s family as we all celebrate our amazing performance as well as the upcoming new year.

When my text goes off, I reach for my phone and see Matthew just sent a picture of himself with the Times Square Ball out the window behind him.

Wish you were here. Happy New Year.

I want to tell him all about my night but not in a text message. So, for right now, I text back a picture of me and the girls as well as my mom.

Same to you.

Then, I put my phone down, trying not to let the thought that I don’t get to kiss him at midnight ruin my high from tonight.



It’s been almost seven months since our band first started practicing, and things have just gotten better. We’ve performed at places all around Montana, and we’re really starting to make a name for ourselves.

Ever since Matthew started baseball though, we’ve barely gotten to see each other since our schedules seem to be completely off. I’m excited Justine and Tucker invited me over for dinner tonight since the band had the weekend off from performing, and I’m looking forward to just relaxing with Matthew.

As I hop in Matthew’s truck, I lean over to give him a kiss hello, loving that I still get tingles every time I do.