Page 1 of Perfect Someday



There’s a knock on my door, so I stretch out my arms and respond, “Come in,” as I yawn before I sit up in my bed.

My mom enters the room. “Morning, sweetie,” she says as she brings me a glass of orange juice.

I love that she still tries to provide for me even if she only has time for a simple drink rather than a full breakfast.

“What are your plans today?” she asks as she picks up a jacket of mine that fell off my chair and hangs it on the hook I have behind my door.

I take a drink of the juice and set it down on my dresser before hopping out of bed. “Tucker and Justine move into their new house today, so Matthew and I are helping them along with the guys.”

Her face softens at the mention of Tucker, my boyfriend’s father and a local country singer who made a ton of money writing some amazing songs. Deep down, I think she had a crush on him. How could I blame her? I think all the single women in town did, but once Justine came back to Mason Creek, we all knew he was off the market.

“That’s great that they’re staying here. Lord knows if I sold songs like him and made that kind of money, I might leave this sleepy town once and for all.”

I pause and think about leaving Mason Creek. It’s all I’ve ever known, but as my graduation date from high school approaches, that thought just might become a reality.

The question is, where do I go and what for? I know I don’t want to just stay and get a job doing something random. I want more out of my life, but I have no clue what.

“Well, I’m off to work today. I was able to pick up another shift after mine, so it’s going to be a late night. Do you need money for lunch or anything?” she asks.

My mom’s led a hard life, and it shows on her worn skin. Anytime she can pick up extra shifts at Mason Creek Market, she does. It breaks my heart, seeing the constant worry covering her face, but being a single mom never gets easy.

“I’ll be fine. I’m sure they’ll have food there as payment for the guys helping.”

She laughs. “Yep, just feed that group, and they’re good.” She comes to give me a hug. “Have a good day. Be safe.”

“I always am,” I respond as she turns to leave.

I glance in the mirror, looking at the difference between us. I was a later-in-life baby. My dad always said he didn’t want kids, but when she got pregnant—oops—here I was, and there he went. I’d like to think she doesn’t regret the decision to keep me, but sometimes it’s hard not to since I’m staring at myself every day while she’s off, working herself to the bone to provide for us.

Her life could have been easy if it wasn’t for me.

My phone dings with a text message from Matthew. Though hearing from him instantly lifts my mood, I can’t help but also think this is exactly how my mom felt about my father. She thought they’d be forever.

He had different plans.

I can only hope Matthew is not like him, but you never truly know someone until you’re faced with adversity. My goal in life is to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes.

I pick up my phone to see Matthew saying he’s on his way to get me. I respond with a heart emoji and rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on some makeup. Even though I’ve never been one to get all dolled up, I do put on a little to make my eyes pop as well as some blush for my cheeks.

When he arrives, I rush to the door and wrap my arms around him, loving the excitement I get when he’s nearby.

He pulls back and gives me a quick kiss. “Mmm, good morning,” he says in his smooth voice. “You ready to go?”

“Yep, just let me get my bag.”

I grab the mini backpack purse that I carry everywhere and head out the door behind him.

We get to his old lifted truck that his dad fixed up for him, and he opens the passenger door for me, standing by it to help me in. Yes, I can climb up myself, but I love the way he places his hands on my hips to guide me in.

Once he’s in on his side, he cranks the engine, and country music blares through the speakers. I smile his way as he turns it up a little more, and I slide over on the bench seat until I’m curled into his side with his arm wrapped around me while he pulls away from the street.

Tucker and Justine’s new place isn’t too far away, as is everything in this town, so we get there before the next song even begins.

We hop out of the truck and walk hand in hand to the moving van parked out front. After we each grab a box, we head toward the front door.