Page 50 of Captivating Nights

“So what happened next?” Natalie asked. The two girls were nearly on the edge of the seats.

“He walked in,” Cali replied.

“The man from the balcony?” one of the girls asked.

“No!” Cali said. “Someone I’d later discover was his best friend.”

“Ooh, the plot thickens,” Emily squealed. “Go on, Cali.”

“His name was Xavier and he was just as sexy as his friend. Tall, dark, and handsome with the most mesmerizing set of hazel eyes I’d ever seen. He was very seductive, and I had no hope of resisting him. When he’d asked me to follow him to his room, I thought it would just be with him. And it was, for a few minutes, at least. Suddenly, another set of hands touched me. It was the blond guy from the balcony. I was shocked and on the verge of leaving right then and there. Xavier had such a way with words, but Zane, his friend, did too. I never stood a chance when they both set out to seduce me. Before I even knew what I’d agreed to, I was naked beneath them. I’ve had sex before but never like that. I didn’t even know it was possible to have multiple orgasms.”

Both women giggled. Cali shot them a look but continued.

“I spent the night with them and when I woke up in the morning, they had me tied to the bed. They told me they were Dominants and thought I was a submissive. One thing led to another, and before long, I agreed to let them fulfill my deepest and darkest fantasies. We spent my entire vacation together, all the while they started to use different toys on me. They’d told me it was in preparation.”

“Preparation? For what?”

“To be able to take them both at the same time.” Cali turned away from their inquiring gazes and blushed. This fell into the ‘too much information’ category, but she knew Natalie and Emily would never be happy with the watered-down version.

“Xavier had a private plane, and he and Zane took me to Puerto Rico for my birthday and New Year’s Eve. I felt like Cinderella in the fancy gown and expensive jewels. On the way back to Virgin Gorda, they both took me at the same time.” Now, she was truly mortified. Hopefully this would be enough to satisfy their curiosities.

“On the plane?” Natalie asked. When Cali nodded, she giggled. “Way to go. I haven’t even done that yet.”

“And…?” Emily said, rolling her hands in a gesture for Cali to continue.

She should’ve known they’d want more details. “The next night, they’d set the room up with all of these different things.”

“What kind of things?” Emily asked while refilling their wine glasses.

“The type of furniture one would expect to find in a sex dungeon. They’d blindfolded then cuffed me to the table. Before all was said and done, they’d spanked me with floggers, tied me up with rope, and even poured hot wax on me. I don’t even know how to explain what all of that felt like. It was indescribable. Even now I tingle just thinking about that night.”

Both women flashed her sympathetic looks while waiting on her to continue.

“Things were going great until the second to last night when I’d woken up and seen them outside. I knew I shouldn’t have eavesdropped, but in hindsight, I’m glad I did.”

“Why?” Natalie asked. “What happened?”

“Xavier and Zane were talking about these two other women. The bastards had girlfriends yet fucked me for the better part of two weeks.”

“What creeps! I hope you gave them a piece of your mind, Cal,” Emily said.

“I wanted to but ended up getting sick. I used that as an excuse to go back to my own room. From there, I moved up my flight times and left the resort.” There, now she had it all out in the open. Reliving it still hurt but maybe she’d eventually be able to channel it into something positive.

“Have they not even contacted you since?” Emily had remained quiet for the last few minutes until now. The incredulous expression on her face captured her current thoughts.

The thought of hearing their voices again made her tear up even more. Cali missed them so much but refused to dwell on that.

“No, and I don’t expect them to either. It just hurts.”

The two women enveloped her in a group hug, allowing her to cry until she couldn’t shed another tear.

“What are their full names? They’re going on my ass-kicking list for sure,” Natalie said.

Cali forced herself to smile. Leave it to her feisty blond bestie to try to defend her honor. She loved her friends so much. “Xavier Rivera and Zane Rhodes.”

Emily nearly choked on her wine as Cali said their names. Quickly recovering, she played it off nicely before exchanging a look with Natalie. She had no idea what the two were up to. To her relief, they chose to change the subject, wanting to see pictures.

Cali remembered that she not only had photos but a few gifts for them too. Excusing herself, she went to her room and when she returned, she caught the women in the middle of a hushed conversation. This time it was her turn to look at them suspiciously. When they didn’t let on what they were discussing, Cali sighed and plopped down between them. She’d already transferred the trip photos to her iPad and began scrolling through them, looking on wistfully as a few pictures of Xavier and Zane, while they were at the Baths, came into sight.