Chapter 24
CALISTA FELT SOMETHING CHANGE between her and the Dominants, but she tried not to analyze it to pieces like she was prone to doing. In fact, they’d actually allowed her to go back to her own room. Sure, they’d given her instructions to meet them outside of their villa at seven, but since it was not even noon, it would give her plenty of time to get some writing in. She’d gone back to her room, and after taking a shower she’d powered up her laptop. As her Word document opened, she stared at the blank pages.
There was so much she could write, and so much she wanted to, but Cali found it increasingly hard to put her time here at the Paradise Resort into words. How would one describe a paradise where she, of all people, had two successful, sexy men ready and willing to fulfill her every sexual fantasy? Pinching her arm again, she expected to wake up and realize that everything she’d done since her arrival had been merely a dream.
“What could you both have planned for me next?” she asked aloud. They’d done everything they’d promised her they’d do, so she was at a loss as to what was next.
Cali leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, thinking back to the night before. She’d gone from the belle of the ball to the leading lady in a private porn flick. She groaned when she thought about how she’d acted directly after. Who in the hell passed out in the midst of an earth-shattering orgasm? The realization that she was that woman had her cheeks flushing with mortification. So much for memorizing every moment so when back home in Boston and all alone, she would have something to look back on.
A lot had happened from her second day here, until now. Cali had less than a week left before it was time to go back to the snow, ice, chaos, and loneliness that was her life. She’d spent so much time with Xavier and Zane that she hadn’t gotten to experience half of the excursions she’d bookmarked prior to her arrival. Maybe after she did whatever it was they had planned for her tonight, they’d be generous enough to allow her some time tomorrow to explore. She’d ask them afterward about that. For now, she needed to do something productive with her time, so she reopened her eyes and looked down at her keyboard. Virgin Gorda was the secluded oasis it was advertised to be and she decided it was a good location for her next book. As she remembered her arrival onto the island, she could finally string a few words together. Before long, she’d written the first chapter, which for her, was always the hardest.
Cali continued to type, imagining a scenario similar to hers for the heroine. It was only when she’d met the first of the two dashing heroes that she glanced at the clock on the lower right hand side of her screen. It was almost six o’clock. Where had the time gone? She finished the current sentence and then saved her work. She was now a good five chapters into her novel and felt a sense of accomplishment over that. She’d temper her excitement until she actually read what she’d written, but that would have to wait.
After shutting off her laptop, she walked back inside her room. Her stomach rumbled. She had no idea where they planned to take her but hoped a restaurant was in their plans. Cali also didn’t know what to wear and when she moved over to the closet, her room phone began to ring. It had to be one of the men. Walking over to the bed, she answered it. “Hello.”
“Angel,” Zane replied in greeting, and the gravelly tone of his voice was nearly enough to make her knees weak.
“Yes,” she answered, much breathier than planned.
“We’d like you to wear nothing but a silk robe when you come to meet us tonight. No panties, no bras, and no shoes.” She crinkled her nose up at that and then the slow curl of anticipation unfurled in her womb when he added, “And once you arrive at the door, you’re to knock twice and then disrobe on the doorstep.”
“B-but that’s outside,” she stammered. She heard his chuckle and knew they’d already realized that.
“And then, we’d like you to present yourself to us, just as we’ve taught you to do. Is that understood?”
It was a simple enough request, or would be for someone less prudish than she was. It suddenly dawned on her that she no longer fit that preconceived mold any longer. She’d done much worse than expose her nakedness to the island wildlife. The owner’s villa was tucked away from the rest of the resort, so the odds of anyone seeing her were slim to none.
“Disrobe and kneel in presentation, Sir,” she answered.
“Good girl, Calista. We’ll see you soon.”
Zane had hung up, not even allowing her to speak again. She set the receiver back down and walked into the bathroom. It was a good thing that the resort provided silk robes because she hadn’t thought of bringing one of her own. Removing it off the hanger, she returned to the bedroom and laid it across the bed.
She’d take a quick shower and then head over to Xavier and Zane. Cali walked back into the bathroom and started the shower. One of the main things she’d miss about the room itself was the large rainforest showerhead in the tiled showers. Both her guest room and the villa had the same kind, and she made a mental note to look into having a similar one installed in her own bathroom in Boston.
Her shower was uneventful and quick, and she hurriedly dried off and then covered herself with the black silk robe. The material was so smooth and cool against her skin. It was probably for the best that she’d have to take it off upon arrival because just looking at either man was enough to have her entire body heat with arousal. Already the thought of what they might have planned for her had Cali’s entire body tingling.
She returned to the bathroom and yanked her brush through her damp hair. A frown marred her face when she looked at her reflection. What in the hell could the two of them actually see in her? She was as plain as a woman could get. She wouldn’t consider herself ugly, but there was nothing interesting about her features at all. Long, thick brown hair that framed an ordinary looking face. She was the quintessential girl next door, and had been her entire life.
There was nothing special about her, and outside of her writing, she lacked talent of any other kind. Growing up, she was basically ignored, and there were even some years where the other students at school didn’t even recognize her at the end of the summer. “Are you the new girl?” they’d ask, and she’d simply shake her head, letting them know she’d been in their English, Biology, or whatever other class it happened to be, the year before.
Cali wasn’t one of the smart kids, having made just average grades, and she certainly wasn’t a cheerleader or athlete. She’d tried out for a few different types of teams in her childhood, but never actually made any of them. By the time she’d reached high school, she’d accepted and embraced the fact that she was truly invisible. She’d honestly thought college would be different, and she supposed it was. She did meet Emily and Natalie, and while they at least acknowledged her presence, most of the other kids didn’t.
It was all for the best. She’d always done better by herself anyway. God knows she had enough experience from her early childhood and onward. Her parents worked hard and were hardly ever home, and without any brothers or sisters, she was left to communicate with the imaginary voices in her head. Who knew that years later, those same voices would be transferred onto pages in her many books. Of all the people she could’ve dreamed up, though, Cali knew she could have never created men as wonderful as the two who were expecting her.
Remembering their orders, she pulled the brush through her locks a few more times and then headed to the villa. She’d pass a few people en route to their place and would blush each time, wondering whether they knew what she had on underneath the robe. Logically, she knew that they couldn’t, but it didn’t change the fact that she did.
The wind had picked up since she’d gone inside to shower. Cali didn’t remember it being as breezy earlier when outside. Despite the drop in temperature, it was still much warmer than Boston would’ve been on New Year’s Day so she wouldn’t complain. She made her way to the villa, and then remembering Zane’s command, she slipped the robe off her shoulders and stepped out of it when it slid down to her feet. Not sure where to put it, she kicked it aside and then lowered herself to the ground. After spreading her thighs wide apart, she wrapped her hands behind her head and looked toward the ground.
“So fucking beautiful,” Xavier said from behind her.
Cali flinched, completely unaware that anyone had been outside. Since he didn’t tell her to get up on her feet, or even move, she stayed as still as could be. When the two men had suggested that she play the role of their sex slave, or submissive, for her trip, she’d been scared but intrigued. Now that she’d seen her submission for what it really was, it became more beautiful to her. What were once just words in a book, they’d taken on new meaning when she’d lived them.
People often remarked about novels, wondering how people could fall in love so swiftly and completely. Until she’d arrived here and met these two, she’d been one of them. Now, it was strange to admit that even though she hadn’t known either man that long, her body and all of its responses were no longer her own. It was theirs to command…to use…and to fuck.
A shiver racked her small frame as she maintained her presentation. She’d stayed in that position until she’d heard Xavier clear his throat. “You may rise to your feet, belleza.”
His hand appeared and she grasped onto it, allowing him to help her up onto her feet. A few seconds later, she was inside their room, which seemed to have undergone a complete makeover since earlier that morning. Her eyes widened at the pieces of furniture and other items scattered throughout. She had no clue what most of them were but knew she’d find out soon enough.