Chapter 19
THE NEXT FEW DAYS seemed to fly by and Cali realized nearly half of her vacation had elapsed. Never in her entire life had she spent so much consecutive time with two people, especially not men. And what fine males they were. Even now she was afraid to pinch herself, worried she’d wake up all alone in her room with these past few days as nothing but a dream.
Where’d the time gone? The only activities that she could remember were the ones involving her, Xavier, and Zane. She then realized that even though time had been standing still, it had not. The men had such a dizzying effect on her that it was easy to lose track of her surroundings.
Thinking about her room, Calista knew she would be hard-pressed to even describe the place seeing as she’d only been allowed to go back there to change clothing. She could, however, describe the villa where Zane and Xavier stayed, in fine detail. The entire resort was paradise and the owner’s villa was no exception. Masculine furnishings with bright colors filled the entire space, and outside vibrant green foliage surrounded the place, giving her the impression that she was in the jungle.
She had spent nearly every waking moment with the two Dominants. They not only showered her with gifts and attention, they also fed her at almost every meal, bathed her, and put her to sleep with a fairy tale, albeit a very kinky one. Cali didn’t know whether to feel cherished or embarrassed. Spending every second of the day with them was becoming very overwhelming. They not only chose the daily activities the three would do, the food they’d eat, and attire she’d wear, but they also controlled every aspect of sex. While they were up front about their dominant ways, Cali had never imagined it would reach this point. A few days earlier, they’d even arranged a full spa day for her and included specific instructions for the technicians. Imagine her surprise when the spa technician told her where she intended to wax.
“This is what happens when I listen to the two of you,” she directed toward her two meddlesome friends back in Boston. It wasn’t as if they could hear her, but somehow she felt better voicing her frustrations out loud.
The relationship she found herself in was one so far out of her comfort zone. To give those two complete and total control was a direct contrast to her sense of self. Any of her friends would be the first to agree that Cali was a control freak, but with these two men, a naughty suggestion or simple touch was all it took to seduce her into doing just about anything they wanted.
Zane and Xavier held true to their promise to prepare her to take both men at once. They had already worked her up to the larger plug and last night was the first night that she could comfortably take both plug and man at the same time. One would fuck her with his cock while the other drove her mindless with need, timing the thrust of the glass dildo with the other until a perfect rhythm had been created.
Their devices of sensuous torture didn’t end with the anal plug, though. One day, she had to wear a vibrating egg while the trio toured the island by horseback. The Dominants turned it on and off with the sadistic remote they took turns carrying. Neither would allow her to climax and by the time the three reached the resort that evening, she was ready to explode. The magnitude of that orgasm could have registered on the Richter scale.
“They’re driving me crazy and God knows it isn’t a long drive. What am I going to do?” The fact that she was talking to herself yet again only reconfirmed her earlier statement that she was indeed going insane.
Trying to find an answer to her own question, Cali recalled more of what she’d experienced over the last few days. She still shuddered thinking about those damn metal balls. Zane called them Ben Wa balls and instructed her to hold them inside her pussy throughout their dinner one evening.
At first she thought it would be a cinch. How hard could it be to hold three balls inside herself? That answer became apparent less than a half hour later. Cali’s steps became more difficult as the metal orbs rolled around inside her. Each time the balls bumped against that one spot, her knees would weaken. The two bastards got quite the chuckle out of her discomfort and the sight of their matching smirks would be ingrained into her memory forever.
“Sadists,” she muttered to herself as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Cali almost didn’t even recognize the woman staring back at her. Had she possibly changed that much? On the outside, no, but the inside? She sighed as the voice in her head shouted, Yes!
Cali‘s sex life had never been a very active one, even though she’d had a few one-night stands over the years. In addition to being dominant, Zane and Xavier were also insatiable. She’d be so exhausted, her body left limp and boneless. When they finally did allow her to go to sleep, she was practically unconscious. Most women would kill to have even one man bring them to multiple orgasms and somehow she had landed herself two.
That’s just my damn luck,she thought to herself.
Tomorrow was New Year’s Eve, which also happened to be her birthday. They told her the night before they had big plans for her. Calista was nervous and excited all rolled up together. Wherever their ultimate destination ended up being, it was somewhere that required her to dress up. She’d not brought anything fancy with her, not that she would’ve had a large selection to choose from, even if in Boston.
She sighed deeply. Zane and Xavier planned on taking her shopping to find something suitable for the occasion and venue, the latter still a mystery to her. She’d learned to trust the two men over the last couple of days, even though it was completely out of character for her to so easily do so.
Glancing in the mirror, she looked at her worn out appearance. Cali knew she needed some time away from Zane and Xavier. She’d been granted permission to change before she met them upstairs for breakfast. Glancing at the alarm clock beside the bed, she realized they’d come and get her soon if she didn’t arrive on time. An age-old debate between right and wrong waged war in her head. Finally, she listened to what she hoped was the right voice and grabbed her room key.
While they ate breakfast, she intended to walk down to the beach. She’d get some time for herself and then meet them for lunch. If they still wanted to go shopping afterward, she’d gladly go. Calista made sure to take the path that wouldn’t go anywhere near where the two men were currently. If she saw them, she’d end up exactly where she didn’t want to be.
How could they possibly know what I need or want?That question was one she found herself asking a lot recently. Most of the time, she didn’t even know, so she’d found it hard to accept that they did. Out of sight didn’t mean out of mind. As she continued down the sandy trail toward the private beach, her thoughts stayed on the two men.
Finally, she made it to the clearing and looked out at the Atlantic Ocean in all its glory. She’d have to make a more concerted effort to take time like this for herself even when she returned to her mundane life in Boston. She soon found a spot to lay her towel down when something in the distance caught her attention. There were three hammocks hanging between a group of shady palm trees. That’d be an even better spot to relax because she wouldn’t have to worry about burning her skin.
There was no telling what those two men had planned for her, but since they were Dominants, there were all sorts of things they could use on her, and if sunburned, it would be most unpleasant. Choosing the center hammock, she climbed into it and sighed contentedly.
“This is the life,” she said aloud before closing her eyes. The breeze was gentle and the sounds and smells so familiar. It wasn’t long before she’d fallen asleep.
Later, she heard people nearby and opened her eyes. She had no idea what time it was and when she looked down at her phone, Calista groaned. It was after one in the afternoon. She’d not only missed breakfast, but lunch too. A sense of dread filled her as she dared to pull up her notifications, realizing Xavier and Zane had called her a dozen times since nine that morning. The last call was well over an hour ago.
She hadn’t heard the phone or even felt the vibration from a single one. Was she really that out of it? She pulled up the settings and knew why. Her phone had been put on silent. She quickly grabbed her things and made her way back to the resort. She’d simply explain what had happened and everything would be fine. After all, they were reasonable men, right?
She ignored the knot in the pit of her stomach as she fumbled around in the small clutch purse until she found her room key. Slipping it into the metal lock, she waited for the small light to turn green and turned the knob.
The sight that greeted her made Cali gasp. Zane was seated on the edge of her freshly made bed, while Xavier stood in the corner of the room. Both men had their arms crossed and the expression on each other’s face could only be described as furious. She swallowed hard. While she expected them to be annoyed, she had completely underestimated what would happen after standing them up.
Nervously, she crossed the room, her hands shaking as she set her things on the dresser. Cali never expected to feel like a child breaking curfew. She opened her mouth to explain, quickly clamping it shut as two pairs of eyes darkened in anger.
“Did you have a nice time out there today, angel?” Zane sounded like he was grinding his teeth together to keep from yelling at her.
“I…ummm…” She started to reply, then changed her mind. The clipped tone of his voice didn’t even try to mask his irritation.