“Hands-on research is so much better. It’s incredibly accurate. Wouldn’t you agree, Zane?”
Her face heated up in what she knew was a vivid flush. When both men placed their hands on her to caress her upper thighs, she found herself silently agreeing that hands-on research was the best kind ever.
Her resistance weakened further while they continued to touch her and she looked once more toward the door. There were only about twenty steps to freedom. Calista knew she would lose what was left of her senses and there would be no escape for her if she remained in this room.
“What other topics do you write about? Are they from experience or more research?” Xavier’s question was expected, but she didn’t want to talk about her books any longer. If they knew what else she wrote about…
Cali shook her head, determined to find a way to leave. Deciding to play the fatigue card, she brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a forced yawn. “I’m exhausted and think that it’s best I return to my room. I had a lovely time here…” She stopped and realized her last statement wasn’t the best thing to say after what had been shared in that bed. ‘Lovely’ was certainly not the right adjective to describe sex with those two. “I meant I…” She had no idea what to say and her social awkwardness was now fully on display.
Tears of horror filled her eyes and she swiped them away once she climbed over Xavier, finally making it completely off the bed. His large hand wrapped around her wrist, effectively holding her captive. “Calista?”
Turning away, she tried to swiftly regain her composure long enough to look at him. Finding his gaze, she kept it trained on Xavier, not even daring to glance over at Zane. She could feel his eyes on her, though. It was similar to the night before when she’d been out on her balcony.
“We didn’t mean to upset you, Calista,” Zane said.
Her restraint crumbled a bit more when her head turned in his direction. Damn! The power these two men had on her already was beyond unnerving. She responded even when she wasn’t sure she wanted to.
“I just feel silly because I’m sure you’re both used to more glamorous women. I’m just a quiet writer from the States. Yes, I write erotica, but no, most of my work is not derived from experience of any kind. In fact, it is just the opposite. My writing is straight up fantasy, plain and simple. It’s fiction. If that is all you want to know, I really am tired and would like to go back to my room to rest.”
Her voice cracked at the end and she inwardly cursed at herself. Not only was she blubbering, but she was being overly emotional. Grab your dress, put it on, and leave. Those three tasks seemed simple enough, but not when the heat of their gazes scorched her body. Cali shivered beneath the scrutiny and was about to bend down to retrieve her dress from the floor when a pair of strong arms literally swept her off her feet.
“We’d like for you to stay a while longer, belleza,” Xavier said, setting her back on the now cooling sheets. “If you’re really that tired, then you can take a nap right here.” He patted the top of the mattress, and Cali knew her lie wouldn’t hold up.
She weighed her odds and came up with the perfect solution. She would go to sleep, waiting for the two men to do the same. Once they were out, she would slip out of bed and return to her own room.
Feigning a yawn once more, she simply nodded, and Zane reappeared just in time to pull the blanket over her. The gesture of being tucked into bed was even more foreign to her. Finally, she closed her eyes and drowned out the sounds of the men moving around as she waited for an opportunity to present itself.