Chapter 11
A FEW MINUTES LATER, she was nestled between both men in the center of the large bed. Everything about the experience had been new for her, especially the cuddling afterward. In the past, when she’d have sex, it was extremely casual and once both partners orgasmed, it was over.
Cali soon lost herself in the sensation of two sets of male hands gently caressing her body. The feeling was much too comforting and she found herself fighting back the urge to doze off. She had no doubt the two men did this sort of sharing thing often. Wanting to still enjoy her post climactic high, she tried to keep herself from dwelling on that. Situations like this only happened to the romantic heroines in her books. She was honestly afraid to close her eyes, expecting to wake up all alone with the realization that the night had been nothing more than a very vivid dream.
So preoccupied was she with her thoughts, that she didn’t realize Xavier had spoken to her. When he tipped her face upward toward him, she watched his full lips move. “Calista, tell us a little more about yourself.”
“About me?” she asked, wondering why they even cared. Most men feigned interest just when trying to get a woman into bed. The pair had already succeeded in that regard, leaving her more than a little perplexed at the question.
“Yes, angel. I know your name, how you taste on my tongue, and how you sound when screaming my name, but I want to know more,” Zane told her, repeating Xavier’s actions. His lips brushed over hers and she sighed with contentment.
“I’m guessing the two of you are used to getting what you want, aren’t you?” Their chuckles confirmed her suspicions and she responded with what she hoped would satisfy their curiosity. “I live a rather boring existence, so there isn’t too much to tell. I’ll be thirty in a few days and I’m from Boston, Massachusetts. Are you familiar with New England?”
By turning the questioning back to them, Cali intended to gain some insight into the two men who had fascinated her from the very start.
Xavier was the first to answer. “I’m very familiar with the region. At one time, I’d seriously considered opening up a luxury hotel in the downtown area.”
“A-a h-hotel?” she stuttered, turning toward him in confusion.
“Yes, Calista. I own a chain of international hotels and resorts, including the one that the three of us are in right now.”
Cali swallowed hard. Well, that explained a few things. He gave off the “I own the place” attitude because he did indeed own the place. “It’s a very lovely resort.” She now felt even more out of place than she had moments earlier. Shifting on the bed, she rolled toward Zane. “Do you own hotels, too?”
Shaking his head with amusement, he traced his fingers down her cheek. “No, I don’t own any hotels, but I do design them. I’m an architect.”
Now things were starting to click more firmly for Cali. The two men were so close when it came to pleasure. It made perfect sense that they would share similar business interests as well. Most likely, they traveled to exotic locations regularly, while this trip she’d given herself was a first.
It was so clear that Calista was completely out of their league. Yet another reason why she should just get up and get dressed. Finally deciding that course of action was for the best, she wriggled out from beneath the male leg draped over her lower body and sat up.
Xavier’s face was stoic while he watched her, his voice low and even. “Where exactly are you going, belleza?”
“I really appreciate all of this, and I obviously enjoyed myself, but since we have nothing in common, it’d be best for me to leave…” Cali paused when Zane reached out to grab her arm.
“Don’t go. We haven’t learned anything about you other than where you come from and how old you are,” Zane urged in a soft voice.
Cali didn’t understand why they wanted her to stay or what they hoped to learn by keeping her with them. She wasn’t used to this much attention because her entire world revolved around characters and locations in her head. When Zane and Xavier found that out, her inexperience would be glaringly obvious.
“That’s the point. There isn’t much more to tell. I’m a single, thirty-year-old woman who lives in Massachusetts and writes books for a living.” Cali had to force herself not to wince as she rattled off her life in that single sentence. Another example of how isolated she had allowed herself to become over the past decade.
“So you’re an author. That’s very interesting.” Xavier didn’t sound as bored as she had expected, but it didn’t mean that he wasn’t. Swinging her legs over the dark-haired man, she was about to finish rising from the bed when he pulled her back into his arms. “My curiosity is piqued now, belleza. What type of books do you write?”
Xavier arched his brow at her hesitation, and she knew he was waiting for her to answer. Letting out a deep sigh, she mumbled her response under her breath, “I write romance novels.”
If he had been expecting anything compelling like mystery or even horror, then he was out of luck. Most men she knew despised romance and anything considered girly. In fact, she knew only a few males who even wrote books in her genre.
“I’m not surprised by that at all,” Zane interjected. She flashed a shy smile at him and then nervously tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. “Would it be considered more contemporary or straight up erotica?” Zane prompted.
Cali choked slightly at his words. She hardly doubted either man sat reading the type of books she wrote. She then remembered all the hype around a specific book release and naturally assumed that was where he had heard about erotica.
“So what is it, Calista?” God, Xavier’s voice dropped to an even deeper tone when he repeated Zane’s question. Couple that with the hands running up her bare thigh and she became wet all over again.
It was amazing to Cali that she was still so turned on. What had just transpired between the three of them was much more than she’d had in months, if ever. She was aroused and not even the boring details of her life could minimize it.
“Y-yes,” she stammered, “I write erotica.” There! It was out in the open and now they could move on. She knew her admission would lead to the same questions that most people asked and sure enough, Zane didn’t disappoint.
“Good to know, angel. You said you’ve never experienced a ménage. Have you ever written about one before?”
Cali nodded and then saw the corner of his mouth tip up in a smirk. Zane was so incredibly sexy, but when he smiled, he was downright lethal. Wetting her bottom lip with her tongue, she quickly answered him, hoping that his curiosity would be satisfied and he would drop the conversation. “I do a lot of research.”