Page 40 of Captivating Nights

Chapter 28

THAT NIGHT, THE MEN kept her close to them at all times. Cali thought they would have been tired of her by that point. If anything, the two men became even more possessive. She’d been alone her entire life, keeping mostly to herself. This level of attention was something foreign to her.

Don’t do this, Calista. No matter what she told herself, however, she still felt like a princess when with them, cherished and desired. You’re just a fling, nothing more. Soon you’ll be only a memory. Though she tried, she couldn’t silence the inner voice that taunted her because it was right. This arrangement was temporary. In fact, she’d found herself constantly looking at the calendar, marking off each day until she would be thousands of miles away in Boston, as alone as she’d ever been.

Calista wasn’t quite sure what she’d expected after their time in the playroom. It was still mystifying that after what had occurred neither looked at her any differently because she sure did. Cali didn’t want there to be a weird dynamic, so she made sure to not tip the men off about how freaked out she still was. What kind of woman allows one man to do this type of things to her, much less two?

Even now, she couldn’t close her eyes without thinking about the leather tails trailing down her skin. She could even recall the stinging sensation as both men peppered her ass with blows. The flogger was one thing, but the hot wax was another altogether. Never again would she be able to light a candle and not remember each drop of wax as it coated her belly and breasts. In addition to that, she’d never had as many orgasms or such intense ones as those she’d had with them in the playroom. How could another man ever compare?

Was it possible that maybe they now thought of her in a different light? Ever the realist, Cali couldn’t allow herself to give in to delusions and expect anything from them other than the terms that had been laid out in the very beginning. Sadness passed over her each time she realized that. Xavier and Zane had both inched their way into her heart, and instead of enjoying the time they’d all had left, all she could anticipate was the heartache she’d suffer when back home in the real world.

Cali didn’t want to harp on the negative, but then again, she’d never expected to fall in love with either of them. After their time in the playroom, however, she couldn’t deny it any longer. No way would she have ever allowed someone else to do the type of depravity they’d done to her. Things were so different when she was with Xavier and Zane. They’d always told her they could read her better than she could read herself. She’d been skeptical at first, but each day had proven just how right they were.

Now she was lying between their sleeping bodies, staring at the darkness of the room. Yes, she’d written about domination and submission before, and the novels did well, but she’d never actually imagined that she, herself, would ever experience the things that her book characters did. And now that she had, it felt like one of the most natural things in this world.

Was it possible that I never truly enjoyed sex before because something was missing?She briefly closed her eyes before reopening them. Of course, something was missing. Most of the time it was a willing partner. But then, even when she had allowed Emily and Natalie to talk her into going out to meet someone, any sexual encounters that resulted were usually dull and boring. The males had hardly been able to hold her attention, or she theirs. Cali had always chalked it up to her own inexperience, but maybe the fault didn’t lie with her after all.

Xavier and Zane seemed to enjoy sex with her, and since she’d met them, Cali had been in their bed more than anywhere else. It was going to be comical trying to explain what she did during her time here on the island, because outside of a few places, such as the Baths, she hadn’t experienced anything else. Tomorrow she’d have to stress the importance of doing a few of the excursions she’d planned out to do. If neither man wanted to go with her, she’d simply have to go by herself.

Her thoughts drifted back to all of the places she’d researched after she’d booked the trip. Virgin Gorda was part of the British Virgin Islands and was a secluded paradise, just as advertised. There were, however, several different places to explore and sights to see, despite its remote location. Calista knew there was no way she could return home having never experienced any of them for herself. Topping her to-do list was a scuba-diving and snorkeling tour.

Over the summer, she’d gotten certified at scuba diving, even though it wasn’t something she’d wanted to do at the time. “Oh, c’mon, Cali, it’ll be fun,” Natalie had urged.

“She’s right,” Emily had added. “You’ll be glad that you did.”

After talking her two best friends into coming with her, she had agreed to go. It wasn’t like she needed to twist their arms, though. Both women were so beautiful and had bodies that men would mortgage a house for the chance to touch. They’d always been willing to do anything that involved parading around in their skimpy bikinis. Cali could almost laugh about it now as she remembered the dive instructor’s face when he saw the two of them emerge from the changing room in their barely there two pieces and she came out in what had to be the frumpiest bathing suit ever. It was perfectly fine to her, but her friends had criticized every aspect of it until she’d thrown it away once she’d gotten home.

Cali and her friends had done the two days of training and four required dives so she’d have her certification, and she hated to think her time and money was spent for nothing. No, she’d have to tell Xavier and Zane that she needed some time to herself. Or maybe she wouldn’t have to. Both men were currently sleeping, so she could slip out of bed and go back to her room. She might earn herself a punishment, but at least she’d get to utilize her training.

She sat up in bed and then thought about the disappointment that would follow. Would she really risk having her last few days with the men spent arguing with them or worse, getting punished? Realizing it wasn’t worth it, Cali lay back down and sighed. Zane started to stir and she immediately felt bad that she’d woken him up.

“What is it, Calista?” he asked in a drowsy voice.

“Nothing,” she whispered, trying her best to keep her voice down. “I’d gotten a cramp in my leg, but I’m fine now.”

A few seconds later, a pair of strong hands massaged her calves. The lie had slipped so easily off her tongue and she would’ve felt bad about it had it not felt so damn good. When he repeated the action on both legs, Zane pulled her against him, allowing her to meld her body to his.

It felt good to lie there in his arms, and as she tried once more to fall asleep, she thought about some of the other things she’d also wanted to do here on the island before her vacation was over. Outside of the water sports, there were so many different Bays to visit and even a mountain peak to climb or a zip line to ride, assuming she was daring enough to actually attempt either of those.

She thought about the latter excursion and wondered if the exhilarating rush she’d experience when soaring above trees, ocean, and land would match the thrill she’d experienced when suspended in the air in the makeshift playroom they’d set up earlier. The weightlessness from not having the heavy burden of her thoughts or body to weigh her down had been more freeing than she could’ve ever imagined. She’d read about the high one got when submitting but assumed those in the chat rooms on the fetish sites and on the Internet were over exaggerating.

Now she finally realized what they were talking about when they said there was freedom to be found in their submission. There was nothing else like it in the entire world. It was an almost indescribable feeling, and one she’d remember the rest of her days. When she opened her mouth, she yawned and took that as her cue to go to sleep. She could worry about excursions and everything else when she woke up. For now, she’d be content with being sandwiched between these magnificent males, creating other memories that would stick with her much longer. Closing her eyes, Cali drifted off to sleep.