Page 6 of Scandalously Yours

“Did you miscarry?” I asked, and thankfully she shook her head right away.

“No, nothing like that. Years ago, I was a surrogate for a couple, so I’ve carried and delivered a child, but he was never mine to keep.”

“I’m sorry,” I told her, and genuinely meant it. “Surrogacy is a very noble thing. If it wasn’t for one helping some friends of mine, they would’ve never had the precocious son they now do.”

“I’m very happy for them,” she replied, then used her free hand to wipe at her eyes. “And I’m sorry for getting so emotional. I usually can reveal that without all the waterworks. I’m thrilled that I was able to help make someone else’s dream come true, even though it was in such a small way.”

“It was a very big sacrifice and very commendable. Enough about it, though. Tell me something else about yourself.”

“W-what do you want to know?”

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy how nervous she seemed around me. The women in the circles I ran in loved to talk about themselves. In fact, they did so at such a nauseating pace. Alessia was different. She wasn’t one of those society princesses, and I doubted she was even from New York City.

“Where are you from? Favorite color? Hobbies? Fears? Wants?”

I threw several things out there, and she laughed softly. “Wow, that’s a lot, but let’s see. I’m from Providence, and my favorite color is green. As far as the other stuff...” She paused as if she was trying to remember them all, and as she did, all I could picture was her naked body splayed across the green sheets I had on my bed back home.

“Hobbies?” I prompted.

“Ahh, yes. I love watching vintage movies, gardening, and anything nature related. I’m afraid I’m terribly boring. I—”

“You’re not boring. In fact, I think you’re even more delightful. I also enjoy being out in nature. Before I ran into you, I had planned to run a few sprints on the beach.”

“I’m sorry I distracted you from that,” she teased, and I smirked.

Her eyes moved to my lips, then rose quickly. I wished I could see her better, but the moonlight would have to do. If she was this beautiful in the dark, I couldn’t wait to see her in the daylight. “I might not be up for sprints, but I wouldn’t mind taking a dip in the water. Would you like to come with me?”

Her eyes widened and when her mouth opened, no words came out. With my focus now on her lush lips, I wanted to feel them quiver under mine. I also wanted to feel them wrapped around my cock while she stared up at me with those same wide orbs.

She finally did speak which wiped that vision away. “I’m not wearing a swimsuit.”

“Ahh, do you have on anything underneath this?” I asked as I pointed at her shirt and pants. If not, I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing her in nothing.

“Yes, but I don’t know. It doesn’t seem—”

I knew what she was about to say and cut her off. “It’s just a swim. I promise to be a complete gentleman. I do recall you referring to me as one when we first met.”

She still seemed ready to protest, so when she loosened the knot on her shirt, I let out a soft exhale. I turned away from her to give some semblance of privacy as soon as I rose to my feet. A minute or so later, I heard a slight rustling and turned to see her coming up behind me wearing nothing but a pair of underwear and a sports bra. My dick hardened, partly because I hadn’t touched a woman in over a year because of Hayley, but mostly because I was a male and her body was sexy as hell.

She smiled nervously, then walked alongside me to the shoreline. The waves had picked up from earlier, and I knew a lot of it was due to the storm front moving over the area. Before I had escaped to the beach, I caught the local news report and there didn’t seem to be any precipitation associated with it. Odds were that it was likely a wind event, and in which case, it would be okay. As far as I was concerned, everything was still fine, so I grinned at the sounds she made the farther she got into the water and continued to stay beside her.

“I didn’t expect the water to be this cold,” she finally told me, then clung to me as a large wave seemed to come out of nowhere. I was quite enjoying the feel of her skin against mine and I wouldn’t complain if she decided to stay draped over me the duration of our late night swim.

She did release me, so I used the small break to dip down into the water. When I broke the surface, she was no longer beside me. I tried to scan the perimeter, but the moon had shifted and the light it had previously provided dissipated.

“Ale!” I called out her name once, but there came no response. “Ale!” I repeated, this time much louder.

The air surrounding me was quiet, the only sounds being that of my voice and the water. I then heard a louder splash followed by some sputtering and I turned in its direction. The moon thankfully decided to share its light once more and I caught sight of her through the thin sliver. I cut through the water toward her and once I reached her, she was coughing.

“Let’s get you back to the shore,” I told her, then swept her up into my arms. I tried to not pay attention to her breasts which were now plastered against my chest, or her warm breath as it tickled my skin. Once we got to the shoreline, I laid her onto the sand and kneeled beside her. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she replied. “I’m more embarrassed than anything. A wave caught me by surprise and knocked me over. I hadn’t been expecting it, so I ended up swallowing a few large mouthfuls of water.”

It happened to all of us at some time, and as I looked down at her, my gaze dropped to her breasts which heaved with each breath she took. Her nipples were like hard diamonds poking through the cotton. Alessia then coughed again which drew my attention to her mouth. Her lips were shaking, likely from the cold and possible adrenaline rushing through her, and they were parted just enough for me to thrust my tongue between them if I so chose.

I wasn’t even sure that I would until my head lowered. My mouth hovered just over hers before I stopped. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

She reached up at this point and wrapped one hand around my neck. If this was an invitation, it was certainly not one I wanted to decline. “Kris,” she breathed, and I inwardly groaned.