“You’re not really needed at this time, not that you ever were. I’m leaving, and the pretty, young nurse knows how to get in touch with me once those results come back in.”
I then watched as she grabbed her things, then strutted out of the room. This woman was a piece of work. I couldn’t believe Kristopher had actually borne children with someone like her. As I thought about him, a sense of panic filled me. I had to warn him what was about to happen so he wouldn’t be blindsided, and say or do anything to make things worse for himself.
I had no idea where he was, but I decided to check his office first. When I reached it, I didn’t see a single light on, nor was there a sound coming from the other side. I had promised Kristopher I would keep my distance from him at the hospital, but this was different. I knocked anyway, and when there was no response, I grabbed my phone. I dialed his number, waiting as it rang over and over. He wasn’t answering the burner phone he had given me, and I wasn’t sure whether I should call his regular number. Finally, I threw caution to the wind, and hit the call button.
It rang twice before he picked up. “Hey, can I call you back?”
“No, unless they’ve found you already.” Had I been too late? “Fuck, I tried to warn you.”
“Warn me about what? I’m with a patient at the moment.”
I was relieved, but just because they hadn’t found him didn’t mean they were not on their way. I should’ve let things go, but I couldn’t. “Hayley was here, and—”
“At the hospital?” I could hear a shuffling noise as he evidently left the patient’s room to find somewhere quiet. “Did she threaten you again?”
I had told him about what Hayley had warned when she had paid me a visit that one night. He’d been really upset, and I had been worried about him confronting her that night. After begging him to let it go, especially when she didn’t bother me again, I thought she had taken the hint. What if she continued to do things to provoke Kris, and he had taken things too far? I doubted he’d had sex with her, even if in anger. Besides, I just couldn’t believe he would put his hands on her in anger, either.
Kristopher Simon was a complicated man and used to being in control. He was a Titan, after all. Those men exuded power, so nothing I’ve learned about him had surprised me. He had the both the means and opportunity to get what he wanted, and none of it needed to be done through violence. There was no way this man was a woman-beater. I just couldn’t accept it, and wouldn’t, no matter what his vindictive ex had to say about it.
“No, it wasn’t me. I’m not worried about myself.” I had to calm down, so I didn’t freak him out, or do anything to draw attention to myself.
“What was she doing there, Alessia?”
I closed my eyes, then lowered my voice to almost a whisper. “She was here being treated for injuries that she said you caused her.” It seemed ludicrous just saying the words aloud.
“She what?”
His voice made me wince and I needed him to calm down. I hadn’t even told him yet about the police. “She did have physical marks on her—”
“Come upstairs to the fifth floor and I’ll be in the last room on the left. It’s the one closest to the southern stairwell.”
The call then dropped, and I shook my head. Because I had to warn him, I walked swiftly over to the elevator, then scurried inside once the door opened. I slapped at the keys and thankfully was able to get the door closed before anyone else could rush inside. I took it to the fifth floor as instructed, then headed toward the room he told me he would be in.
Others looked at me strangely as I practically raced down the hallway. Thankfully when I cleared the last corner, no one was lingering about. I made it to the room and before I could open the door, he did so for me, then tugged me inside the room.
I looked into his wild eyes, and a few seconds of doubt crept into my head. He didn’t resemble the man I had come to know and love, but even now I knew he couldn’t be the monster that Hayley was trying to make him out to be. I raised one of my hands to touch him, but thought wiser of it, and dropped it back to my side.
“She had marks on her?” he asked, and I nodded.
“Someone had beaten her, and—”
“It wasn’t me,” he swore vehemently, and I nodded in agreement.
“Of course not. I know that.” Did I really, though? I blinked to expel that thought from my head.
“Ale,” he breathed, then cradled my face in his palms. He pressed his forehead to mine, and I stood rooted in place with nowhere to look but his darkened eyes.
“Kris.” His mouth was on mine right after, and I had no time to tell him about the detectives, or the other accusation she had undoubtedly thrown out there. I should’ve pulled away and demanded that he listen to me, but the way his mouth moved hungrily over mine distracted me to no end. I reached out and touched his cheek, even shedding a tear when he turned his face into it while continuing to kiss me.
Seconds later, one of his hands was sliding into my pants. He was about to be questioned at any time by these detectives, yet here I was, silently begging for him to touch me more. He dropped his other hand from my face and yanked my head back. His mouth then moved to my neck, and as he nibbled his way to my collarbone, I remembered the real reason I was there.
“The c-cops,” I managed to get out, causing him to freeze. He pulled both hands away, leaving me bereft and aching. “She said she has called them on you.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” he answered, and my gasp had him growling. “I’ve never laid a hand on her like that, but she has gotten pissed off in the past and pulled stunts like this.”
“Oh my God,” I cried out, then covered my mouth with my hand. I was already starting to hate this woman as much as he did.
“I promise you that everything will be okay.” He must’ve noticed the tears that had started to fall because he wiped a few of them away. “You know me, Ale. Nothing she says is true. Okay?”