Page 100 of Defy

“Fine. Will your parents be stopping by today? I’m sure the doctor will want to talk to them.”

“My mom is sick and my dad died when I was just a kid.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“But my aunt Cassie will be able to come and discharge me.”

“Okay.” She doesn’t look pleased with my solution but it’s the only one she’s getting.

I’m not staying here, not for a second longer than I have to. And no way do I want Diesel finding out about this.

God, Diesel.

What the hell am I going to tell him?

“Can I borrow a phone?” I ask.

“Sure, I’ll get that organized for you. And I’ll see about getting you some food brought in here.”

“Thank you.” She heads for the door but at the last second, I add, “And sorry about my brothers. They’re overbearing asses but they’re family, you know.”

She gives me a hesitant smile but I think she bought my story.

I just have to hope they respect my wishes and don’t show up here again.

* * *

“Knock, knock.” Aunt Cassie sticks her head around the door. It’s been a couple of hours since the nurse found a phone for me to call her on.

“Oh, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

“Like I bashed my head off the side of the table.”

“Jesus, Kat. We—”

“I’m fine. How’s Mom?”

Her expression sobers. “It’s not been a good morning, sweetheart. Diesel is over there right now but we might have to get the doctor out or bring her into the hospital.”

My stomach drops.

“Hey, hey,” she moves closer, taking my hand in hers. “It’ll be okay, sweetheart. Evelyn is strong. Just like you.”

I barely manage a smile.

“So want to tell me what really happened? Since the story your friend gave Diesel sounded like a bunch of horse crap.”

“If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell D or my mom.”

“I’m listening.”

“I was over at Styx’s house.”

“He’s Diesel’s friend, right?”

“Ex-best friend. It’s complicated.”

“Sounds like it.”