Page 48 of Defy

Grabbing a juice carton from the refrigerator, I’m about to head for a shower when a quiet knock at the front door startles me.

I smile to myself. Surely, Ryder wouldn’t have enough balls to knock on my door when he could just text me.

My heart gallops in my chest as I double back down the hall and grab the door handle, eager to see him standing there. I didn’t want the night to be over yet either. Maybe I can sneak him in for a bit or we could go in the yard and—

Except it isn’t Ryder.

Not even close.

My eyes narrow, a flash of irritation and disappointment go through me.

“Hey,” he says with a wary smile.

My eyes narrow at Styx and I let out an exasperated breath.

“What the hell do you want?”



Kat’s grip on the door tightens as her eyes narrow on me.

“I just want to talk, Kat.”

“Yeah, well… I’m not interested.”

She swings the door closed but I see the move coming and instead of slamming in my face, it bounces off my foot.

“Styx,” she growls in frustration.

“Be angry, shout, hurt me, whatever you need. But I’m not leaving, Kitty Kat, not until we’ve talked.”

“We talked the other night,” she hisses.

“No. You sat in my car like a brat.”

My words get her back up instantly. And I can’t even deny that that reaction wasn’t my intention. I love her fire, and something tells me it’s the way to finally get through to her… or to royally fuck this up when my need for her gets the better of me once again.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she says insincerely. “You lied to me, Styx. You made me promises. You said that…” She trails off as tears fill her eyes. “I hate you, Styx. I really fucking—”

Pushing my hand against the door, I step into the house. Close enough that her body heat warms my skin.

“Styx, no. I’ve got nothing—” Her words are cut off by a gasp when I wrap my fingers around the side of her neck.

“Let’s go out to the back,” I say. Her house is in darkness so I can only assume that Evelyn is already sleeping and the last thing I want to do is wake her. “I’ll start the firepit and we can talk.”

“I’ve got nothing to—”

“Fine. I’ll talk and you can listen.”

Her lips part to argue but when my thumb brushes over her jaw, her expression softens and her body relaxes.

“Please, Kitty Kat. I miss you,” I confess quietly.

Her pulse races beneath my fingers giving me hope and making my cock wake up with memories from that night.

She stares up at me. Her eyes locked on mine before they betray her and drop to my lips.