Page 16 of Defy

“Do I get to leave my common sense and inhibitions behind?” she asks hopefully as I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lead her toward where I parked my bike.

“Probably for the best that you keep hold of them. I don’t need your big brother thinking I stole them and took advantage.”

“No, of course not,” she mutters sadly. “Because all that matters is what Diesel thinks.”

“Kat, that wasn’t what—”

“It’s okay,” she whispers. “Maybe one day I’ll finally meet a guy who isn’t so intimidated by my brother and the club that he might actually take a chance on me.”

My lips part to respond but no words come out for a few seconds.

“I’m not sure I’m the right person to ask for advice about boys.”

“I guess it’s a good thing that I don’t want a boy then.”

“Damn, Kat,” I groan, my cock suddenly perking up in interest.

“What? I’ve grown up around bikers who fuck as dirty as the engines they work on and as often as they brush their teeth… probably more often actually. I’d eat a good boy alive.”

“I… um…”

“Ryder?” she asks when we come to a stop beside my bike.

She stares up at me, her eyes full of fire and pain. She reels me in faster than I can control and I find myself involuntarily leaning closer until her sweet scent hits my nose.

“Yeah, darlin’,” I breathe, completely under her spell once again.

If only she knew…

“Can you do me a favor?”

“Shoot.” Unable to stop myself, my hand lifts and I twirl a lock of her dark hair around my finger.

“For however long we hang out today, can you forget I’m Diesel’s sister? Hell, forget everything you know about me and just… I don’t know. Just forget, I guess.”

“Sure. If that’s what you need, then consider everything forgotten.”

She gives me a sad smile, but I don’t miss the relief, and possibly the hope that flickers through her eyes.

“Awesome. Now are you planning on giving me the ride of my life or what?”

“Oh, darlin’. You have no idea what you’re asking for.”

“Probably not. But give it to me anyway.”

“You’re trouble, Katrina Walker.”

“I know. Wanna be trouble with me?”

Excitement flutters in my stomach at her proposition. It’s been a long time since I’ve just let go and had some fun. She’s not the only one who needs this.

“Hell yes,” I confess, throwing my leg over my beast of a bike. “Hop on, and hold tight.”

Only three seconds later, her arms wrap around my waist and her hands flatten against my abs. Heat and familiarity surge through me making my jeans suddenly a little tight.

“Why have I never noticed how good you smell before?” Kat murmurs behind me.

I let out a huge sigh of relief that I didn’t realize that I was holding as I discover that the familiarity only goes one way.