Page 115 of Defy

I’m not the kind of girl guys see in their future. I’m reckless and bratty and I enjoy sex.

I’m the hookup. The bit on the side. The friend with benefits.

I’m not the happily ever after.

I’m not the girl a guy takes home to meet his family.

“Sleep, darlin’. You’ll regret it later if you don’t.”

I nod and close my eyes, too choked up to reply.

I wish I could sleep. I wish the darkness would carry me away to dreamland where everything is happy.

But life isn’t a fantasy.

It’s hard and messy and it hurts.

And the worst thing about it is, it’s only going to get worse.

* * *

“Morn— oh my,” Aunt Cassie’s voice pulls me from the throes of sleep and I bolt upright.

“What time is it?”

“Time your friend was leaving,” her eyes flick to the inked guy behind me. “Before Diesel arrives.”

“Shit, Ryder. Ry, wake up.” I nudge him in the side and he murmurs.

“Y-yeah, what the—”

“We have company.”


“Yeah, fuck.” I stand up and try to tame my hair.

I must have finally fallen asleep but it can’t have been all that long ago because I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.

“Okay, lover boy. You need to skedaddle before anyone else turns up.”

“Yeah, I have a shift at the shop anyway.” Ryder swings his big legs over the bed and pulls on his boots. “Walk me out?”

“Uh, yeah. Okay. Just give me a second. I need to use the bathroom.” I duck into the private bathroom attached to mom’s room and rinse my face and gargle some water from the faucet.

I’m a mess. My eyes are puffy and sore and my skin is ashen.

But I can’t leave Ryder standing out there with Aunt Cassie, no doubt getting the Spanish Inquisition.

Quickly peeing, I wash my hands and inhale a deep breath. I can do this.

I can go out there and—

I walk into the Twilight Zone. Because that’s the only fitting description for the way Ryder and my aunt are laughing. Her eyes twinkle as she fluffs her hair—fluffs her fucking hair.

Oh my God, she’s flirting with him.

She is totally flirting with Ryder.