Page 108 of Defy

“I need… need you to call D… baby.”

Tears lodge in my throat as I watch her try to be strong for me. Try to put on a brave front… for me.

“I love you, Mom.” I kiss her brow, fighting back the tears overwhelming me.

If she goes back into the hospital, she might not come home again. I might lose her. I might—

“Kat. Katrina. Breathe.” Aunt Cassie grips my shoulders and inhales a deep breath. “With me, okay. In and out. In and out.”

Mom cries out again and it’s enough to snap me out of it.

“I’m okay,” I choke out. “I’ll call D. Is the ambulance on its way?”

“Yes. It’ll be here as soon as it can.”

“Stay with her.”

“Of course.”

I walk out of there with my heart in tatters and go and grab my cell phone, calling the one person I really don’t want to talk to right now.

But this isn’t about me, it’s about Mom.

“Kat? What happened?”

“It’s mom, D.” I burst into tears. “She needs you.”

“Shit, okay. I’ll be right there.”


“And Kat?”


“Everything’s going to be okay.”

I only wish I could believe him.

* * *

It seems like hours before we get any news about Mom. The EMTs took care of getting her to the hospital. Diesel went with them and I rode with Aunt Cassie.

I know River, Zach, and Jax probably wanted to come too, but Mom has never been one for a fuss, so it’s just the three of us here for now.

“What the fuck is taking them so long?” Diesel kicks his legs out, rubbing a hand down his face.

“They need to do their thing,” Aunt Cassie says, sipping her vending machine coffee.

The hospital is quiet since it’s late. A few visitors come and go, walking the halls with somber expressions, no doubt leaving their loved ones behind.

I hate hospitals.

In my experience, nothing good ever comes from being here.

Diesel looks ready to storm over to the nurses’ station and ask for another update when the double doors swing open at the end of the hall and a doctor appears.

“Thank God,” Aunt Cassie leaps up and joins Diesel who is ready to greet him.