Page 89 of Defy

“Here,” I hiss, pushing the stack of money and the phone numbers toward her. “This is all you’re getting out of me. Feel free to keep throwing Diesel and Kat in my face if you want, it’s not going to help your cause. So I suggest you take this, and you fuck off. For good this time.”

She stares down at my offering, that damn bottom lip trembling once more. It might have worked yesterday but my patience has long run out.

“Looks like I might have underestimated you, Stygian,” she whispers, tears clinging to her lashes.

“You don’t even know me,” I roar. “You never did. But none of us are stupid little kids anymore, and you will not get away with playing us again. Now, there is the door.”

“You said I had an hour,” she cries.

“Yeah, well. My house, my rules. You’re done, Faith. Grab your shit, get out of my house.”

Talking to Kat has reminded me what’s really important here, and it’s certainly not fucking Faith Durdan.

“Fine,” she snaps, her tears miraculously gone, telling me that I’m making the right decision here. “Have it your way.”

Spinning on her heel, she marches back to my guest bedroom. Bangs and crashes float down to me, but I don’t go and investigate. I’ll deal with whatever shit she’s broken later. Right now, I just need her out of my fucking house.

Thankfully, less than ten minutes later, I get the pleasure of watching her walk out of my front door. But not until she delivers her final warning.

“You’re going to regret this, Stygian.”

She misses my heavy eye roll as the door slams behind her.

There’s not a lot that she can do to hurt me. That comes with barely having attachments to things or people. The worst she can do is find a way to tell D. Because for how fucking stupid Faith might be, after my warning, I doubt that she’ll turn up at his door.

Although, I can’t help wishing that she does, and that D answers with his gun loaded and ready to fire.

Not wasting a second, I grab my wallet and my spare key, shove my feet into my sneakers and head out.

I find a place for the spare key before dropping into my car and heading for D’s cabin.

I’m not risking Faith telling him what’s going on first. As bad as him finding out is going to be, hearing it from her… a shudder rips down my spine. It just can’t happen.

“Fuck,” I mutter when I pull up outside and find no bikes, vehicles, or any movement inside.

My next stop is the compound because as much as the two of us need to have this out, I really don’t need it to happen at Evelyn’s house in front of Kat.

The second I pull up to the guy guarding the gates, he nods for me to enter, and I arrive in the midst of activity.

Pulling to a stop, I throw my door open and march toward the shop.

“Styx,” a deep voice booms. “Twice in a week? You gonna be patching in soon?”

“Umm…” I hesitate, waiting until the body behind that voice rolls out from beneath a car. “I’m not sure D would be up for that,” I mutter when Zach’s face appears.

Seeing as he’s in a… what the fuck ever the four of them are in together, I can only assume that him, Jax, and River are now painfully aware of our history.

“Speaking of, is he here?” I ask, my palms beginning to sweat at the prospect of the conversation we need to have.

“Nah, he headed out with Stray, Crank, and Ryder.”

“Any idea where?”

“Nope. Club business. Us prospects don’t get that kind of intel until shit starts blowing up.”

“Right, okay. I guess I’ll try later then.”

“Sure thing, man. Have a good one, yeah?”