Page 2 of Defy

I told her that I would sort shit out with her brother. That I would somehow make him listen, make him understand that what I feel for her isn’t just some dumb forbidden thing that I want to get a few kicks out of. It’s more than that. It’s… terrifying.

I’m not sure I can even really explain it to myself, let alone figure out a way to tell him. I just have to hope that I don’t take one look at him, forget everything I’ve been planning and just blurt something stupid out like ‘I spit roasted your sister with Ryder.’

I drop my head into my hands and groan.

Do not fucking say that, Styx. Do not mention any single detail from the other night unless you want him to put you in the ground faster than he’s already going to.

Movement inside his cabin catches my eye, and I kill the engine.

I’ve been waiting for him to be alone here. But that doesn’t seem to happen all that much these days. It seems that the guy who’s forever warning me off his little sister, is currently pursuing her best friend. Hypocrite much?

With that little reminder lodged in my head, I push the door open and climb out of my car.

My heart is in my throat by the time I get to the front door and my blood rushes past my ears so loudly, I don’t even hear myself knock.

It’s not until the door is pulled open and the man himself is standing on the other side of the threshold looking equal parts pissed and confused as he is exhausted that reality comes back to me.

“Styx?” he asks, a deep V forming between his brows.

“Y-yeah, uh…” I stutter like an idiot. “Can I come in?”

He hesitates, continuing to block my entrance to his place.“What are you doi—”

The ringing of his cell cuts through the air and he curses before twisting back inside to find it.

“What did he say?” he asks the second he puts it to his ear.

Silence falls as he listens to the person on the other end, Diesel’s shoulders tightening more the longer it goes on.

Taking a risk, I step inside while he is distracted and close the door behind me.

The place looks incredible. We might not have really spoken in the last five years, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t know about his little fixer-upper. This place was a wreck when he first got it. He’s put some serious work in.

“Fuck. Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s just not the news we wanted. Have you told Kat?”

My entire body jolts at the sound of her name, my fingers curling into tight fists at my sides.

I haven’t seen her since dropping her off at home yesterday morning. But until I’ve had this inevitably painful conversation, I told myself I wouldn’t reach out.

If we’re going to do this, I need her brother to be on board. Okay, maybe not on board exactly, but I need him to know the truth at least.

“That’s up to you but I think—”

My heart pounds knowing that he’s talking about her.

“Yeah, okay. Fine. I’ll call you later, okay?”

He talks to whoever it is for a couple more seconds, although it sounds more like an argument that Diesel isn’t winning.

The second he hangs up, he slams his cell down on the counter and drops his head in defeat.

I shift on my feet, nerves getting the better of me as I quickly glance toward the door, wondering if he'd notice if I bolted.

Taking a step in the direction of my escape, my movement drags him from his own head and he turns around, his eyes immediately finding mine as shock covers his face.

“I-I’m sorry, I just—”

“Do you want a beer?” he asks, shocking the fuck out of me.