Page 12 of Tentacles and Teeth


It was a command, and my eyebrows pulled together. I put down my fork, ignoring my clamoring belly.

The wolf stared at me through Fenn’s pale eyes, and he leaned closer. Then his lips quirked. “Please.”

It wasn’t a request, more a seductive drawl, but I decided it would do. It was an improvement. I brought a perfectly crisp piece of bacon to my lips, commending myself for not being a pushover. My acquiescence had nothing to do with how that purr had swept through me like hot velvet and left me a needy puddle in its wake. I refused to even acknowledge the way my pussy had fluttered at his initial bark.

When I’d tried everything on my plate and made approving noises, Fenn finally reached for the food. He loaded his plate and set about eating with precise deliberation.

Sid was watching us when I turned to her. Her lips curved. “That was adorable.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that. So I didn’t. “How long have you been working at the Broken Crown?”

She flashed me a laughing grin at the sidestep, but followed along. “I took over about five years ago when the old owner retired.”

I swallowed a bite of egg, creamy and perfectly seasoned, and gaped at her. “You own the Broken Crown?! I thought you were a bartender!”

“I am! Just notonlya bartender.” She winked as Fenn snorted. He didn’t seem interested in joining the conversation with more than the occasional grunt.

“Wait, I thought the Cairn Riders ran the bar. You’re not a member, are you?” Not that she wouldn’t be hot on a bike, but she didn’t have an allegiance tattoo. She hadn’t been wearing their colors, and I’d seen no trace of said bike—freakily sentient or otherwise.

“No. My brother, though, he’s the president. We have a kind of...shared custody situation.”

That won an actual chuckle from Fenn as he sat back from his now empty plate. His eyes glittered as I snagged another piece of toast.

“That’s seriously impressive. I can’t imagine what all goes into running a place like that.”

“A lot of booze, a clan of Bwbachod to clean up all the bodily fluids I refuse to touch, and daily arguments with my brother. Sometimes I get to slam a couple idiots’ heads together, and that’s pretty fun.”

I snorted a startled laugh, inhaling a crumb of toast. I felt my face go red and swollen as I choked. Sid and Fenn were both halfway out of their chairs when I waved them back, coughing, embarrassment deepening my flush even further. I drained my coffee and got my breathing under control.

Sid set a glass of water in front of me, grinning crookedly. “I didn’t think your gag reflex was that sensitive.”

A flash of memory. Sid’s hand around my throat, dark whispers in my ear, demanding more. A tentacle pumping in my mouth, muffling my cries as she...

“We both know that’s not an issue,” I murmured, tracing my tongue along the edge of my lip as I set the now half empty glass down.

Fenn pushed back from the table abruptly, dishes clattering in his wake. I stared as he stalked to the sink, muttering too low for me to make out the words.

Sid’s Fae ears served her better, and she was laughing at whatever he said as she pushed from the table. “Alright, we’re going.” And then to me, “I’ll be right back, sweet girl. I have to grab some stuff before I take you home.”

Home. Right. I had a flight to catch and a conference worth of people to schmooze. I tamped down the twinge of regret that I wasn’t the kind of person who could throw aside my responsibilities and spend the week indulging in every possible debauchery with this amazing woman.

My thoughts must have shown on my face, because Sid turned on her heel to lean over me. She slid close until her breath warmed my skin, and the shimmering purple of her irises was all I could see.

“Don’t think for a second you’re getting out of my car with a kiss and a wave,” she said in a bare whisper. “I’m seeing you again, sweet girl. As soon as you’ll let me. We have some things to talk about. And I’m going to need you to soak my fingers one more time before you fly halfway across the world, and I have to make do with memories.”

Damn. Godsdamn. Okay, then. I nodded, afraid to open my mouth. I was pretty sure if I did, “take me now” would fall right out of it.

Sid nipped my lower lip, sharp and fast, then straightened and sauntered to her room.

I watched her self-satisfied ass sway, a foolish grin making my cheeks hurt.

Fenn’s arm slid in front of me, the muscles in his forearm flexing as he gathered our plates.

“Oh, let me help you with that.”

“I’ve got it.”