Page 34 of Unforgivable

“No! I mean we talked, at the meeting the other day and then you said…”

She clasps her hand over her mouth. “Did I do the wrong thing?”

I take a breath. “I said I’d think about it. When we were leaving the meeting. Remember?”

“I’m sorry,” she whines. “Bruno said I could, and I thought you said it was okay.”

I sigh. “Never mind. It’s too late now anyway.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. We’re great.”

“Okay! Great. So? Do you like it?”

I gaze at it again. “It’s great.”

“You’re sure? Because I wouldn’t want—”

“Nope, it’s great. Perfect. Thank you.”

“Okay!” She says with renewed energy. “Phew! Thanks, Laura. Let’s get to work.”

I’m dying inside, and I don’t think it’s just the hangover. I don’t mind the photograph at all—although at three feet by three feet it’s making a statement—but the poem grates me. It cheapens the other stories we chose. But maybe I’m overthinking it. Maybe it’s not so bad.

I read it again.

I found my love on a Friday afternoon

I found myself in your arms

Finally, I found you, you said.

That night I found my true north in the moon

I’ll never let you go, you said.

You gave me your heart

Keep it forever, you whispered, and I will keep your heart

For we must never be apart

What did I say? What did I do?

Why did you leave and take my heart with you?

I lost my love on Thursday afternoon.

But I found you again, my love.

And I will never let you go.

Admittedly, maybe it’s the mood I’m in, but there’s something vaguely sinister about it. But then, what do I know? They’re engaged, they’re happy, they’re getting married. I should worry about my own situation, I guess. Maybe I could learn something.


It’s Friday, the opening of the Museum of Lost and Found, and suddenly my big idea, the one I’ve been working on for a year seems small and clumsy and childish. I feel like I’m about to be found out. I’m a fake, a try-hard, I was just pretending to be somebody who had ideas. I went home in the middle of the afternoon to get changed, and I think a part of me—the big loser part about to be exposed—wanted to surprise them, even maybe walk in on them screwing in our bed—herbed,theirbed. When I found the house empty, I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed. I changed into my silver wrap dress that I wear with a wide leather belt cinched at the waist and black boots, and I did my hair and makeup with great care, and in the end I thought I looked okay.