“That was the old will. She made a new one, and she left everything to you.”
“I typed her will. That wasn’t in it.”
“No, I typed it into her new will, so that you wouldn’t know you were her only heir.”
Joan blinked. “When had you planned to tell me?”
“Right after she died.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me immediately?”
“You’re hearing about it first thing the next morning. Right now.” Stone handed her his copy of the will. “Page two, near the top.”
Joan read the page. “Is this legal?” she asked. “I mean, if I typed the will I could just have put my name in there, couldn’t I?”
“No, I typed that page, and I can tell you, Annetta read it very carefully before signing it. This is authentic, real, witnessed, and legal. You now possess everything Annetta possessed, and that includes everything Eddie Sr. possessed.”
“How much is that?”
“Remains to be seen—at least a couple hundred million dollars.”
Joan collapsed onto the floor.
Stone poured a glass of water from the vessel on his desk and flicked a few drops onto Joan’s face.
Joan blinked, then looked around. “Why am I on the floor?”
“You fainted.”
“I never faint.”
“Let’s try it again. You are your aunt Annetta’s sole heir, and she left you everything.”
“I’m feeling faint.”
Stone hoisted her into a chair. “Take a few deep breaths.”
Joan did that.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better. Rich, you might say.”
“That’s because you’re rich.”
“I’m trying to get used to the idea.”
“Pretty soon, you’re going to want to start buying things.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because that’s what people do when they become suddenly rich: they buy all the things they couldn’t afford before they were rich.”
Joan contemplated that. “Can I have the morning off to go shopping?”
“Take a week,” Stone replied. “Get it out of your system.”