Page 70 of Black Dog

“A Fred?”

“Yes, please. Where did you find him?”

“A French friend of mine sent him to me as a gift for one year of his service. In less than a month I made him a permanent hire. I don’t think you’d find another Fred at an employment agency.”

Eddie met the man around the corner. “Well, Mac? What happened?”

“A little man came to the door and persuaded me that you don’t live there.”

“That would be Fred.”

“That will be twenty bucks,” Mac said and stuck out his hand to receive the money.

Eddie paid him, because he had learned at the Y not to stiff guys like Mac.

“Anything else?”

“You still got that burner phone?” Eddie asked.


“I’ll be in touch.”

“Get this straight,” Mac said. “I’m not messing with that Fred guy.”

“Got it.” Eddie took out his cell phone and called Stone’s cell.


“It’s Eddie.”

“Oh, Eddie, I’m glad you called. I’ve got good news for you.”

“Good news?”

“Your attorney has persuaded the DA to drop both charges against you, for lack of evidence. The court has restored your bail money to your trust, and your trust has paid your attorney’s fee.”

“Well, that is good news, Stone. Can we have dinner?”

“We cannot and will not, ever. You are now free to leave town, and you can’t do it quick enough for me.”

“But where will I go?”

“You can go back to the Hamptons, as long as you stay away from Annetta’s house and don’t get arrested for trespass. Or, you can go into any bookshop, buy a world atlas, then open it, close your eyes, and put your finger on the page. Keep doing that until your finger lands on a place that sounds appealing, then go there. Don’t leave a forwarding address,because neither Joan nor I will be in touch. Is all that clear to you?”


“If you come back here, you will be met by Fred, and you don’t want that.”


“Bon voyage!” Stone shouted, then hung up.

“Nice speech,” Bridget said. “Do you think it will register with him?”

“Who knows?” Stone said, reaching for her. “But it will do for tonight. We’ve got half an hour before dinner.”